
Retail Carnage - Regular Updates

Geoff Riley

24th December 2008

Each day seems to bring fresh news of carnage on the High Street. This blog will carry updated links to the most recent retail failures and their aftermath

Olan Mills Photography Whittards Zavvi The Officers Club Rosebys Woolworths MFI The Pier ScS Adams Dolcis

In the first of a new series of In Business, Peter Day quizzes bankruptcy and business reconstruction experts and offers a brief guide to how to go bust.

Here are some points jotted down from the programme:

Businesses in distress need to take rapid corrective action to increase their chances of survival Many executives / entrepreneurs have limited or no experience of an economic downturn Re-finance for struggling businesses has become tough to achieve - a dangerous feature of this economic cycle The majority of businesses do not have a site map which explains their business and which engages in worst-case scenarios to test how robust they will be in the event of an economic crisis - contingency plans can help a business survive Decisive action is needed to change the loss-making activities of a business CVAs - creditors voluntary arrangements - provide a short term breathing space for limited companies that are in financial distress Many small businesses rely on credit cards for short term finance - the early part of 2009 will put thousands of small businesses under enormous pressure.

The Independent today offers a brief guide for retail survival:

“In a downturn, retailers typically slash their capital expenditure – notably opening less new stores and refurbishing fewer existing ones, but also trimming IT spend; reducing stock; cutting staff numbers or hours in stores; and extending payment terms with suppliers or demanding that they contribute more substantially to a retailer’s marketing spend. Above all, one of the most powerful actions is to conduct a review of their store portfolio, in an effort to ditch the loss-making outlets.”

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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