
Resources from the Open Web for Teaching Enrichment

Geoff Riley

10th October 2010

I have streamed a copy of the presentation that I gave at a lunchtime seminar Dulwich College on aspects of the open web and some resources for teachers. The presentation focuses on three areas - first the rapid growth in open course-ware; second the productive uses of Twitter and third, the terrific range of audio visual resources available on iTunes U and You Tube Edu.

Streamed presentation

pdf handout of slides - two per page

I am always happy to visit other schools and colleges to give presentations and contribute to CPD sessions. Please email if interested.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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