
RES Annual Lecture 2009 - 25 & 26 November

Jim Riley

21st September 2009

Schools and colleges are invited to request tickets for the popular 2009 RES Annual Lecture series on Wed 25 November (London - Royal Institution - 3.00 p.m.) and Thursday 26 November (Bristol - Bristol Grammar School, 4.30 p.m.).

Tickets for the lecture can be requested using this online form

The 2009 lecture is to be given by the renowned economist, Sir Partha Dasgupta FBA FRS, Frank Ramsey Professor of Economics at the University of Cambridge who will talk on the highly topical subject of “Law and Morality in Economic Life .”

Why are children’s lives in two parts of the world (the rich world and the poor world) so different, and remain so different as they grow older? Why are some countries rich, while others are poor and remain poor? Sir Partha will argue that the importance of law and morality in economic life follows from the essentiality of trust in the social world and that the underlying differences lie in the extent to which people trust one another to comply with agreements.

A past President of the Royal Economic Society (1998-2001), Sir Partha Dasgupta FBA FRS is the Frank Ramsey Professor of Economics at the University of Cambridge, a Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge, and Professor of Environmental and Development Economics at the University of Manchester. Sir Partha was born in and educated at Varanasi, Delhi,and Cambridge. His research interests have covered welfare and development economics, the economics of technological change, population, environmental and resource economics, the theory of games, and the economics of undernutrition. Professor Dasgupta was named Knight Bachelor in 2002 for “services to economics”; He is President-elect (2010) of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.

This initiative by the RES aims to bring the best communicators in the economics profession into contact with a wide public and to show the importance of top?quality economic research to questions that matter to all citizens. It is aimed particularly at sixth form students but will be relevant to all.

Sessions (including questions) will last approximately an hour and a half and will be followed by a short drinks reception.

Tickets for the lecture can be requested using this online form

A booking form can also be downloaded from here

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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