Exam Support

Reflections on the 2024 Economics Revision Livestreams

Geoff Riley

11th May 2024

The main micro and macro exams are fast approaching and I hope that tens of thousands of Economics students are revising hard and well ahead of their papers. We have just completed thirty live revision sessions on YouTube and once again, the quality of student engagement and answers has been truly first-rate.

One feature of running the livestream in a regular 1130 slot has been the willingness of many teachers in schools and colleges around the country to have the broadcast in their classrooms - so thank you to those teachers who have made this possible.

Another feature this year has been the growing cohort of students who are home-schooled from a number of different countries. Their engagement, intellectual curiosity and depth of analysis, application and evaluation has been mightily impressive.

As in previous years, the tutor2u Economics student collective has developed momentum. The vast majority of participants have been wonderfully supportive of each other, willing to share ideas and arguments, happy to offer clarifications and generally be very positive about what is undoubtedly a stressful time.

All of our livestreams are recorded and teachers can download the PPT presentations from the archive links. Our sessions follow a consistent format which I feel is important. They are great fun to put together and I learn a lot from the student answers in the chat window.

We have some exam specific revision clinics coming up - all of which will be added to the Livestream Playlist which you can find below.

As always we send our best wishes to all students as the main exam season begins in earnest.

If you haven't already done so, don't forget to download your AQA or Edexcel Knowledge Organisers - a superb support as we enter the last two full few weeks of revision.

Here are the links:

AQA Knowledge Organisers

Edexcel Knowledge Organisers

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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