
Real World Economics at Greenhead College: 26 February 2013

Jim Riley

18th January 2013

We here at Greenhead College would like to invite you to a student-run Economics Event on Tuesday 26th February, 2013. The focus will be on “Real World Economics” or in other words: aspects of Economics that affect our lives on an everyday basis. The event will take place in the main hall at Greenhead College, starting at 7:00pm. Tickets will be priced at a very reasonable £2.00 per person.

The evening will include talks from a wide variety of guest speakers (such as Andy Bond – ex-CEO of ASDA) along with interactive presentations by Economics students at Greenhead. We will explore how Economics can improve our lives in small but crucial ways as well as utterly transforming the lives of people in developing countries. There will be many opportunities to get involved and ask questions of both guest speakers and students.

All proceeds from the event will be invested in a microfinance charity called “KIVA”. Through KIVA, we loan small amounts of money to specific entrepreneurs in developing countries. These loans allow them to grow their fledgling businesses, meaning that they become better equipped to provide for their families and improve their standard of living, without becoming excessively dependent on unsustainable levels of aid from developed countries. We hope to give these people, along with their families and communities, an opportunity to forge a better life for themselves.

So, how about, rather than spending yet another evening watching Jeremy Paxman grill politicians over the merits of austerity, you come and join us instead. We promise to offer a full refund if the word “austerity” is so much as whispered.

If you would like to reserve tickets or if you have any questions at all then please email us at or talk to us on 07503131095. Teachers can also book places for themselves and their students through the contact details above.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Yours sincerely,

Harry Edwards

Current A2 student and Chairperson of the Economics Event Team

Greenhead College, Huddersfield

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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