In the News

Proposals to reform UK Council Tax

Graham Watson

11th April 2023

I've been reading Paul Johnson's excellent "Follow the Money" recently, and this Larry Elliott piece chimes with much contained in the book. In both cases, Johnson and pressure group, Fair Share, call for the current system of Council Tax needs replacing with a Proportional Property Tax (PPT).

This would see people pay tax in line with the value of their property, and getting rid of the nonsense that means billionaires in Westminster can pay less that ordinary homeowners in the North of England. Such a suggestion would be beneficial to the majority of homeowners and make the tax system more progressive, and could, if correctly managed, be revenue neutral.

Please read: A property tax based on annually uprated values would be a game changer (Larry Elliott)

How much does Britain cost? I Paul Johnson I RSA REPLAY

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to tutor2u, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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