In the second of a series of weekly Enrichment tasks for economics students, here is a task which considers the wider economic impacts of the shutdown of the English football season - look out for...

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The coronavirus has prompted collaboration in the pharmaceutical sector, with GSK joining forces with Sanofi to develop a series of coronavirus vaccines, and AstraZeneca to increase the UK's...

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There has been much interest in a decision of the city authorities in Amsterdam to embrace Kate Raworth's doughnut model of sustainable growth.

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For today's article of choice, I point you to a commentary from Mark Cliffe, Chief Economist at ING in which he considers how the economic and political landscape might change as and when we emerge...

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Here is an excellent, detailed and rather worrying Guardian long read about the impact of coronavirus on the global financial system.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Here are the two videos that have just been published by Ofqual explaining the exams grading process for summer 2020.

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Eight or so years ago, the newly-elected Conservative government trumpeted the fact that, in the aftermath of the financial crisis, "We're All In This Together". I'm afraid that this proved to be...

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A Economist video on one of the most fascinating aspects of the global economy: whether or not Africa can growth, and, to some extent, rival China.

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Combining epidemiology with economics is the way to get Britain back to work.

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What are the risks of using a less-than-perfect antibody test? The question has an Oxbridge Economics interview quality to it!

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There are growing calls for debt relief for the world's poorest nations in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

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Here is a hopeful article about the future of healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa.

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One of the (many) issues for A level students over the coming weeks and months is likely to be keeping momentum as they prepare for university. Perhaps we can help a little with that, by publishing...

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In this research task we challenge students to consider how game theory might help explain the panic buying of toilet rolls ahead of the UK COVOD-19 lockdown.

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Torsten Bell of the Resolution Foundation makes the case that the coronavirus outbreak, as ever, is going to affect the young and low earners worst.

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Today's article of choice considers how the centre of gravity has been changing in the world economy.

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Hannah Parkinson, an A-Level economics student has been reading the Economist voraciously over many months to deepen her passion for the subject.

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This is a remarkable editorial from the Financial Times which argues that the coronavirus is exacerbating existing inequalities and hitting those in the most precarious jobs and industries hardest.

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My article today comes from the Financial Times where Camilla Cavendish asks if universities are too big to fail?

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