2nd November 2019

Google Acquires Fitbit

This is one of those mergers that I find hard to classify - is it a form of vertical integration, with Google becoming more customer facing, or is it akin to a conglomerate merger, as Google looks...

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31st October 2019


The folks at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University have made a number of economics themed pumpkin carving kits available!

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The extent to which the fossil fuel industry is able to lobby supra-national institutions is laid bare in this articlelooking at the amount spent, both by individual firms and industry groups, in...

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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If you have been covering macroeconomic objectives during this first half term of this academic year, you might like to use this cracking 5 question multi-choice Powerpoint quiz on the state of the...

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Theme 3 Micro meets Theme 4 macro! This is a fascinating article that looks at how Chinese tech giant Xiaomi has become the market leader in the Indian smartphone market.

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The Guardian argues here that international financial organisations such as the IMf and the World Bank need a reboot, with a shift of emphasis away from their current neoliberal agenda and in...

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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This year’s Nobel Prize in economics, announced on Monday, was a ray of sunshine amidst the prevailing media gloom. The award was made for the work of the new Laureates on the alleviation of global...

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We are delighted that the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics has been jointly awarded to Esther Duflo (only the second female recipient) along with Michael Kremer and Abhijit Banerjee for their...

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This is a hugely important campaign for the future of our great subject. Please disseminate widely if you can.

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This is a fascinating article with both micro- and macroeconomic implications - and another consequence of Brexit.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Lots of interesting nuanced material here - investment appraisal, overcoming the sunk cost fallacy, all sorts. Either way, Dyson have left the market for electric cars. The company has 523...

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Protective import tariff measures introduced by the United States against products from China, as well as retaliatory actions by China against US products, have achieved more or less the exact...

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A quick flight over an enormous field of over 12 million tulips - economies of scale in action!

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Essential reading for A level economists looking at China - a potted history of the growth of the Chinese economy since the 1949 revolution.

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3rd October 2019

Jet fuel from thin air

Wow! This is what the future should look like. A Dutch pilot project is taking carbon dioxide from the air and using it to help manufacture jet fuel.

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A lovely look here at the impact of an indirect sales tax on an economy. The Japanese government have raised sales tax from 8% to 10% and some are worried that it will have adverse effects upon...

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