A fascinating stretch-and-challenge article here for high fliers, this fantastic Guardian article looks at why a current account surplus can be problematic, and not just for the economy...

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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TfL's decision not to renew Uber's licence has opened the door to other ride-sharing services - and Indian operator Ola is about to join the market.

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This World Economic Forum clip looks at how Dutch farmers are among the most innovative in the developed world, largely as a result of the competition inherent in an country with such high...

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This New Economic Foundation clip looks at the prospects for a Green New Deal, starting from the premise that if we can bail out the financial sector, then why can't we save the planet?

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How to reach a bliss point in fifteen minutes! Martin Wolf makes a persuasive case for saying that 2019 has been a vintage year for some quite superb new published work in economics.

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This World Bank clip looks at the issue of gender equality in Malaysia and looks at how Malaysia might make more of women of working age, to enhance the economy's productivity capacity boosting...

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A number of things to note for students of business economics about this mega-merger between Viagogo and StubHub.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Part of the BBC Rivals series, this clip looks at how China is looking to diversify its economy and engage in import substitution, by producing its own, high quality, computer chips.

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The Labour Party have pledged to provide free broadband for all by nationalising the digital arm of BT - Open Reach - and in doing so, hopefully act as a supply-side measure lifting productivity.

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Larry Elliott's latest article is a real tour de force, looking at the ongoing conundrum of the UK labour market.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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News here that suggests 'the Four' are looking to enter the banking market, with Google set to offer current accounts, and Facebook, Amazon and Apple already offering financial products, such as...

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This is an important story to keep ahead of. India's financial sector looks especially fragile at the moment with runs on banks as depositor confidence collapses and fears that financial contagion...

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The economic relationship between South Korea and Japan has soured and, whilst many are focused on the fall out from the Chinese/US trade war, this trade dispute between Japan and South Korea is...

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The World Bank clip looks at how developing resilience in your economy is an essential part of overcoming shocks. In this case, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone are recovering from civil war and...

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There's an ongoing problem in Chinese agriculture - African swine fever has decimated the country.

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More supply-side problems laid bare here with the news that Crossrail is going to be both further delayed and cost nearly £700m more than the current estimate.

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After a week's break for half term, here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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