AQA chose sand as a topic in a recent A-level economics exam. Here is classic example of a common access resource being over-exploited as it inevitably will be.

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A Christmas story with a difference. In this case, a worker in a Chinese card factory producing cards for Tesco smuggled out a message highlighting working conditions.

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Tim Harford looks here at one of my favourite areas of economics, executive pay. We've linked to an exemplar essay answer on this topical question.

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This is from a US perspective but it's still an interesting look at alternative wealth taxes, and how they can tackle inequality in the USA.

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Just a perfect development story illustrating the rise of China in Africa, and capturing some of the many concerns regarding Chinese involvement in African economies.

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A rebuttal of much of the material that makes a case for abandoning existing measures of national income in favour of broader measures of well-being and/or happiness.

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A lovely example of how microeconomics can improve the world.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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This BBC article looks at how human rights intersects with economic issues.

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Phillip Inman highlights what I think is one of the major structural issues facing the UK economy. Inter-generational equity.

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Ken Rogoff's latest Project Syndicate piece looks at the current trend for funding spending promises by taking on more debt, with many politicians arguing that low interest rates offer a...

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Here is a handy behind-the-scenes look at how the IMF goes about making their global macro forecasts!

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This is a. short playlist of introductory macroeconomics revision videos for students preparing for their first end of term exams in macro. Hope it helps!

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Here is a lovely example of competition authorities intervening to protect consumers.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Economic theory has a lot to say about marriage and divorce.

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Many students are gearing up for mock exams in Economics. In this blog I have assembled a playlist of key revision videos covering basic introductory microeconomics including supply and demand and...

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It seems as though everyone has been reading Banerjee and Duflo's latest book - unless the spate of migration related material is utterly unrelated. However, this Economist clip looks at how...

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The Guardian looks at the notion of the Green New Deal, both in the United States and the UK. Their view of the Green New Deal is that not only will it tackle environmental concerns but it will...

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Changing consumer tastes are covered in this short Bloomberg video. Have a think about how these sorts of changes will have affected the market for vegan and non-vegan food.

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