The government has confirmed that Arriva will lose their Northern Rail franchisefrom the 1st of March 2020 as the UK government nationalises this part of the UK rail network.

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Vilify them as we might, the tech giants are the largest corporate buyers of renewable energy, with Google alone buying over 2.5 gigawatts.

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A World Bank clip that highlights the importance of access to clean water and sanitation services in enhancing human development outcomes of the poorest in Cambodia.

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A think tank has released a report highlighting what most people intuitively know. That employment in the gig economy is not most people's first choice, that it places a great deal of stress on...

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The World Bank development team is launching a new podcast this week which looks ideal for students and teachers searching for enrichment materials.

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The Economist argues in this special video that government policies to encourage home ownership have led to damaging unintended consequences.

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To support students in the development of their exam technique we have produced free suggested answers to the AQA and Edexcel (A) A-Level Economics papers from 2019.

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Productivity growth matters for profits and real wages. Why has productivity growth slowed down? Professor Danny Blanchflower points a finger at the impact of fiscal austerity.

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Professor Danny Blanchflower explains why an increase in the policy interest rates set by central banks matters.

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Danny Blanchflower has encouraged us to think more deeply about underemployment as the official jobless rate has declined in recent years. In this short video he explains his own interpretation of...

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This Newsnight clip calls into question the government's commitment to cutting carbon emissions.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Finland has pledged to be carbon-neutral by 2035 - this is a target twice as fast as the UK government target.

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This opinion piece for the Guardian highlights the damage that corruption, and poor governance can do to a country's development prospects, and the standard of living enjoyed by its citizens.

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Who are the super-rich? And what are they like?

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The Fender Stratocaster - iconic - and until recently not available at a discount online. That's because, as the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) discovered, Fender had set a minimum price...

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To what extent do consumers drive climate change? This BBC piece citing Coca-Cola's head of sustainability makes it fairly clear that this is the case.

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The Oxford Martin School was packed for a talk tonight by Balliol College Fellow Daniel Susskind on his new book “A World Without Work”.

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Just a really interesting article - full of applied microeconomics- which considers whether Flybe is a viable business or is swimming against the tide?

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Microsoft have announced that they wish to go 'carbon negative' by 2050.

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