A fascinating story from the digital economy, which highlights the market power of two of the Big Four.

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Research from the World Trade Organisation highlights the concentrated nature of export supplies of key medical products.

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Environmentalists are arguing that the government should ban adverts for large cars, such as SUVs, because every car sold makes it less likely that the UK will meet its climate change commitments.

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Here is a fantastic developmental clip looking at a small-scale project in rural Kenya.

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No country however successful in years past, is immune from the impact of the pandemic.

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The aviation sector is among those worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

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Former camera giants, Kodak, have started to manufacture the ingredients required for generic drugs. As have Fuji Film.

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Rents that businesses pay on leased property is usually treated as a fixed cost.

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The Telegraph looks at the expansion of China's Belt and Road policy and its acquisition of stakes in ports across the globe, and the implications of this for the global economy.

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The recession caused by the pandemic has inevitably led to a steep fall in demand, revenues and profits for most UK businesses.

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Debt is a fascinating, and often misunderstood concept. Debt is not bad 'per se', it can foster development and ensure sustainable growth for both current and future generations.

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The World Bank is forecasting that the covid-19 crisis will lead to a reduction in per capita incomes for 90 per cent of countries around the world.

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The coronavirus pandemic has shown how hard some countries have been hit by a collapse in overseas tourist travel.

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For some platform businesses, the pandemic has accelerated expansion leading to surging users and customers whilst giving revenues and share valuations a sizeable boost.

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The coronavirus outbreak and the public health measures taken to contain it delivered one of the largest ever shocks to the UK economy leading to a sudden and large inward shift of short run...

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At the end of 2019, a number of economists were starting to forecast that the UK economy was closing in on reaching full employment. But the pandemic has changed all that very quickly and Britain...

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With the world economy in recession - The IMF forecasts global growth at –4.9 percent in 2020-and with many individual countries experiencing much deeper downturns than this (including the UK), how...

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The coronavirus pandemic will undoubtedly have an impact on the market structures of many industries.

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Too what extent can and should we regard the manufacturing and deployment of a covid-19 vaccine as a public good?

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Alfred Marshall created the idea of agglomeration economies. Are they at risk in many towns and cities as workers show reluctance to return to offices?

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