Here are 3 summary documents to support teachers wishing to have in-class discussions about the Budget announced by Chancellor Rishi Sunek on the 11th March 2020. The information has been gleamed...

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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An interesting new joint venture has been announced between VW and British Gas.

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A short video introducing you to the changing nature of the Chinese consumer, not least via the purchase of luxury goods, iPhones, energy and other commodities.

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This is a remarkable example of a direct fiscal stimulus to help offset the impact of domestic and external shocks.

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Classic theory of the firm material here drawing on businesses such as Richer Sounds and John Lewis.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Another excellent development clip looking at the impact of conflict on development, echoing the findings of Paul Collier's seminal "The Bottom Billion" which identifies conflict as having a...

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Amazon leading the way with more innovation in the supermarket sector - the cashier-less supermarket

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In the clash between growth and green, a Court of Appeal ruling seems to have made a decisive intervention.

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Peak Guardian re: plastic waste or a worthwhile nod towards another area where action has a limited opportunity cost and welfare gains exceed the cost of intervention?

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Does your chocolate leave a bitter taste? It might do after you read this article.

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If you're looking for a discussion topic for returning Economics students over the next few days then try using the chart below on economic inactivity in the UK (2005-2019).

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The excellent Jonathan Portes with a summary here of the government's proposed immigration reforms.

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This World Bank clip looks at the importance of sustainable water and sanitation to improved developmental outcomes.

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Booking is now live for Essential A-Level Economics 2020 - our two days of CPD designed specifically for non-specialist or inexperienced teachers of A-Level Economics.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Here is a fascinating insight into why government projects are so frequently over-budget.

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Another strand of the rapid growth of Greggs emerges here with news of a trial concession partnership with Asda.

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The idea that apps can make major changes to the behaviour of individuals is something of a pipe dream. New technology is often being applied when it is simply not needed.

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