Andrew Verity reports on the challenges facing tulip producers in the Netherlands. A good example of the micro impact of lockdown.

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This article is a reflection on the future of the EU which wonders whether coronavirus is its ultimate test of unity.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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This story offers another interesting dimension to the economics of the coronavirus, with motoring organisations arguing that petrol retailers are ripping off consumers, in not passing on the...

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The bureaucracies of both the NHS and PHE are not fit for purpose argues Paul Ormerod in his latest article.

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This has been an amazing few days and weeks for the crude oil market with prices for West Texas Intermediate falling below zero.

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In the third of a series of weekly Enrichment tasks for economics students, here is a task which considers whether the extensive government measures being taken to keep economies going and to allow...

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Here is a task which considers the difficulty of implementing the financial support and rescue programmes which the government has put in place since the start of the Covid-19 crisis.

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This piece looks at the long term costs of lockdown for the UK economy

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The government's loan scheme has come in for criticism, with many arguing that it has failed to dispense funds quick enough, or to enough companies, in comparison with other schemes in Germany or...

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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This article by Tim Harford provides quite brilliant analysis and reflection and I urge everyone to take ten minutes to read it.

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Economists have a key role to play in any exit strategy from the coronavirus pandemic.

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In this task students consider the low wages paid to many of those who have been defined as key workers in the current crisis, and asks whether their roles should be recognised with higher pay,...

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In the second of a series of weekly Enrichment tasks for economics students, here is a task which considers the wider economic impacts of the shutdown of the English football season - look out for...

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The coronavirus has prompted collaboration in the pharmaceutical sector, with GSK joining forces with Sanofi to develop a series of coronavirus vaccines, and AstraZeneca to increase the UK's...

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There has been much interest in a decision of the city authorities in Amsterdam to embrace Kate Raworth's doughnut model of sustainable growth.

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For today's article of choice, I point you to a commentary from Mark Cliffe, Chief Economist at ING in which he considers how the economic and political landscape might change as and when we emerge...

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Here is an excellent, detailed and rather worrying Guardian long read about the impact of coronavirus on the global financial system.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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