This week's enrichment task for year 13 students asks them to consider the work of Thomas Piketty, a French economist. In a new book, Piketty explores the ineffectiveness of the traditional parties...

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This week's enrichment task for Year 12 students reflects on Brexit - remember that? For the first couple of months of 2020 it seemed likely to be the most fundamental economic shock for the year,...

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The Guardian carries an interview with Thomas Piketty about prospects for lower levels of inequality in the aftermath of the pandemic.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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The scale of the rise in US unemployment is unprecedented - whereas seven weeks ago, unemployment was at its lowest level in 50 years, today US unemployment stands close to 20%, something not seen...

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As I write this entry, the Bank of England has just released a report warning that the UK faces its deepest recession on record. This initial report from the BBCexplains that Bank said that the...

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This week's Enrichment Task for Year 13 students was inspired by a BBC radio programme on Monday morning. In 'Start the Week', journalist Andrew Marr explored the history of globalisation (which...

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John Harris wonders here whether the time for a Universal Basic Income has come, and how it might help create a more equal and less divisive society.

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Proof here that whilst we often simplify, and assume that primary products are homogenous, this isn't actually the case.

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A Project Syndicate piece here on how to ensure that we don't have a W-shaped coronavirus recession.

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The World Economic Forum highlights the effect of the coronavirus pandemic in Pakistan in this clip, that looks at the importance of providing a social safety net for people out of work, giving...

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News here that Virgin Media and O2 are apparently considering a deal to challenge the Sky/BT duopoly with a platform spanning communications and television.

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This article looks at the impact of the pandemic on aviation, noting the recent announcement of job losses at British Airways.

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This is a really powerful Economist film about one group's work in tackling the issue of marine pollution and plastic waste.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Optimism isn't Nouriel Roubini's stock-in trade judging by this piece in the Guardian.

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Both of this week's enrichment tasks for economics students are based on the extraordinary events in oil markets in the last few days. For year 13 students (and year 12's who would like to have a...

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Both of this week's enrichment tasks for economics students are based on the extraordinary events in oil markets in the last few days. For year 12 students the question posed asks them to consider...

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The owners of P&O, DP World (Dubai Ports World) have asked the government for a bailout worth £150m to keep the ferry operator in business, and see it through the coronavirus lockdown., having...

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Andrew Verity reports on the challenges facing tulip producers in the Netherlands. A good example of the micro impact of lockdown.

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