Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Self-evidently, the car industry is under the pump at present, and job losses are inevitable.

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This World Bank clip looks at how improved roads in Timor-Leste have also improved developmental outcomes on the island, with some of the poorest citizens getting access to markets more easily, and...

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23rd June 2020

Lockdown data

An article published in The Sunday Times this week highlighted some interesting data relating to changes in consumption patterns due to the coronavirus.

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Wow! The latest data about the public finances sees government borrowing hit a record level in May 2020, and the biggest since records began (in 1993).

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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The enrichment task for Year 12 students this week introduces them to financial markets and to government intervention in the form of regulators and competition policy. It is set against the...

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The enrichment task for Year 13 students this week suggests a look ahead at how life might be in the 'new normal' - focusing on how we will travel to school and work. In the UK, it is now mandatory...

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Here is an excellent FT for Schools article on the current state of the Spanish telecoms market.

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This is an excellent enrichment opportunity for Year 12 students. The 2020 LSE Economics Society Competition has been launched - details are in this blog.

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The latest edition of the podcast from Will Haines covers the life and times of two inspirational black economists: Sadie Alexander and Sir Arthur Lewis.

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This is a fascinating article about the nature of pricing goods and services during the pandemic, with implications for inflation too.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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It really shouldn't come as a surprise that UK real GDP should collapse in this way because the shut-down was a deliberate act to protect public health.

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Inequality has been an inescapable issue in the news this week. In the midst of the continuing reports about racial inequality, not only in the US but also in the UK and many other countries, the...

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In the face of a flood of bad economic news, this week's Enrichment Task asks Year 12 students to look at the role that government spending could have in promoting economic growth. With a focus on...

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The OECD is forecasting that the depth of the UK recession is going to be the largest in the developed world, with real GDP set to shrink by 11.5% this year, and possibly as much as 14% if there's...

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European food delivery giant Just Eat Takeaway has bought US rival GrubHub in a £5.75 billion deal.

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Markets in action - this FT clip looks at the global shortages of toilet paper and the impact of increased demand for toilet paper during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Ethiopia has announced plans to plant 5 billion trees this year to help fight climate change, and to counter environmental degradation.

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