Mauritius has become the second country after Seychelles in Africa to attain high-income status.

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This could be really important and really positive news for manufacturing in the North East of England.

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The FT looks at the future for transport, noting the rise of electric vehicles, as governments look to reduce emissions - with transport responsible for 15% of global emissions.

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How should the UK government drive the recovery? Torsten Bell from the Resolution Foundation has an idea.

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This BBC article highlights the importance of property rights in development.

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Professor Robert Skidelsky is running a series of tweets capturing the essence of Keynesian economic thinking. We'll curate his tweets in this blog entry - there is a lively debate after each of...

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This is an example of how coronavirus may have changed the way the labour market operates and affected consumer tastes too.

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This news covers competition in the supermarket sector, monopsony power costs, income elasticity of demand and more.

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This Guardian article looks at a classic common access resource problem: over-fishing. In this case, it's the North Atlantic waters off the New England coast that no longer teem with cod.

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61% of UK public support wealth tax for individuals with assets worth more than £750,000, (excluding pensions and value of main home) according to a survey from YouGov.

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The Marshall Society, the economics society of the University of Cambridge, is excited to launch their 2020 essay competition.

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What shall we print for dinner? This Reuters clip looks at the growth of the alternative meat market - notably in Israel.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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A silver lining of the Covid crisis has been a surge in innovation. Enterprising firms have invented both new products and different ways of delivering existing ones.

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The Competition and Markets Authority have suggested that Google and Facebook, have too much market power in the market for digital advertising.

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Since privatisation in 1991, water companies have paid shareholders nearly £2bn per year in dividends.

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Andy Haldane's caveat is fascinating here - the UK will EITHER experience a V-shaped recovery or risks 1980s-style levels of unemployment.

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Since lockdown started in March, technology has become even more important in our lives. We use it for education, for business, for our shopping, and for our social connections. Those who don't...

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Is this perhaps the best example of a luxury good? Why does saffron cost £10,000 per kilo?

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This Larry Elliott article about prospects for jobs in the UK, suggests that, while in the short-term things will be bad, they are likely to be even worse in the longer term.

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