A long read here from the Guardian about salmon farming.

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An excellent clip that looks at plastic waste, and potential solutions to the problem, extrapolating from the experience of a programme developed in Haiti, focusing on the reality of creating a...

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It's back! Our weekly economics quiz is here! Economics students should be keeping a careful eye on the real world news stories that back up the theory taught in class so why not have a go at our...

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The Economist looks at the changing consensus regarding public debt.

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Business Economics gold dust! Ethics, production methods, market share, economies of scale, corporate social responsibility.

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The surge in demand for supermarket home delivery services raises interesting examples of price and non-price competition.

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Business Insider looks at argan oil which is used in beauty products around the world.

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Really interesting piece here about the implications of the buy now, pay later economy and how renting is coming back into fashion.

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Economics is a gift: I genuinely mean that. There are just so many interesting stories out there, including this one, that looks at an unforeseen consequence of the pandemic.

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There are some things in life than transcend all economic considerations, and the Bank of Jamaica have done it again, with their latest video

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This is a fantastic clip looking at the implications of India's 2016 demonetisation.

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This fascinating article looks at the ride-sharing market and argues that both Uber and Lyft are destined to fail.

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No surprises here: the public finances have reached unprecedented territory.

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A fascinating story from the digital economy, which highlights the market power of two of the Big Four.

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Research from the World Trade Organisation highlights the concentrated nature of export supplies of key medical products.

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Environmentalists are arguing that the government should ban adverts for large cars, such as SUVs, because every car sold makes it less likely that the UK will meet its climate change commitments.

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Here is a fantastic developmental clip looking at a small-scale project in rural Kenya.

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No country however successful in years past, is immune from the impact of the pandemic.

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The aviation sector is among those worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

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Former camera giants, Kodak, have started to manufacture the ingredients required for generic drugs. As have Fuji Film.

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