A common question about the nature of consumer appliances asks to what extent are they built to last?

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Tesla has made an interesting move to secure its nickel supplies, taking a stake in a New Caledonian nickel mine.

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This Bloomberg clip looks at a largely untapped renewable resource - wave power.

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Test your knowledge of the 2021 Budget with the new Economics Weekly Quiz Budget Special!

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One important aspect of the 2021 budget was Sunak's decision to freeze (from April 2022) income-tax thresholds.

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This article by the Guardian summarises Rishi Sunak's 2021 budget that includes an extension to the furlough scheme until September as well as £5bn in restart grants to help businesses recover from...

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Joe Biden has implicitly voiced his support for Amazon workers in Alabama to be able to choose whether or not they want to join a trade union.

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Wow! Olivier Simard-Casanova, data scientist and economist uses AI to bring some famous economists back to life!

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This clip looks at why coconut oil is 12 times more expensive than ordinary oils.

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The circular economy in action! This Reuters clip highlights a new initiative in London to push zero waste economic activity.

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This Newsnight report looks at the prospects for the Budget in 2021, with clear identification of the stresses that face the UK economy.

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Test your knowledge of the week's economic-related stories with the new Economics Weekly Quiz!

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Heartening news from the UK's boardrooms with the news of increased gender equality.

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24th February 2021

Apple's Acquisition Spree

A remarkable insight from Apple CEO Tim Cook revealing that Apple has bought a new company every month in the past six years.

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Labour market data released by the ONS (Office for National Statistics) today shows that the under-25s accounted for more than half of those without jobs in the three months to December of last year.

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The BBC's Faisal Islam reflects upon the pace at which lockdown is being eased and wonders about whether it might prolong the economic agony.

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As Boris Johnson takes charge of the G7 summit, campaigners are urging him to ensure UK private lenders (who own 30% of debt of countries under the G20 relief initiative) join international debt...

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Big news in the gig economy as the UK Supreme Court has decided that Uber drivers are not self-employed contractors but employees.

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This is a great example of an interventionist supply side policy from the UK government to try and encourage technological progress and strengthen the UK economy's productivity and supply side.

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Test your knowledge of the week's economic-related stories with the new Economics Weekly Quiz!

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