Low-income customers in receipt of Universal Credit are set to receive a 50% discount on fibre broadband packages.

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Ken Rogoff argues here that the greatest threat to global stability is inequality between nations, rather than inequality within nations

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This look at an Argentinian software company highlights a radical approach to organisational structure, industrial relations and wage determination.

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Soccer clubs have traditionally not even attempted to maximise profits. Their principal motivation has been to maximise costs.

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Test your knowledge of the week's economic-related stories with the new Economics Weekly Quiz!

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tutor2u is delighted to support a competition for students run by the Economics Society at Durham University. The deadline is 25th April 2021

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Test your knowledge of the week's economic-related stories with the new Economics Weekly Quiz!

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Most incinerators in the USA are located in low income areas, damaging underlying health conditions for many people who live there. Some local communities are fighting back.

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Only one in eight cars imported into Tunisia is a new car. The vast majority are used vehicles yet they still sell at vastly inflated prices.

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Welcome back to the new term! Test your knowledge of the week's economic-related stories with the new Economics Weekly Quiz!

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For many products, increases in cumulative production are associated with decreasing unit cost as suppliers move down the experience curve.

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New research finds evidence of increased risk-taking behaviour after flu vaccination, which can counter the vaccine’s effectiveness.

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This extended piece by Ijeoma Ndukwe from BBC Business is a superb read on the challenges of overcoming dependency on cocoa growing in Ghana.

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Soaring demand for individual sachets of tomato ketchup drove their price up by 13% in 2020 as supply did not keep pace.

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Supply and demand in action here with news that exceptional frosts in France have caused significant damage to French wine-growers.

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The latest IMF forecast predict faster than expected recoveries in 2021 and 2022 for both the global economy and the UK.

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Lithium-ion batteries dominate battery storage in the world economy but, as this FT short video explains, the hunt is on for alternatives.

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Two economists - Martin Wolf (FT) and Daron Acemoğlu - lead a discussion on how disruptive technologies are affecting our economy and society.

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This video is a good application of elasticity of supply - namely the capacity of some of the world's biggest ports to cope with surging demand as the global economy rebounds in 2021.

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The payment (or avoidance) of corporate taxes is one of the most pressing issues in global economics at the moment.

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