Britain's pattern of trade has seen a massive change with China replacing Germany as the UK's largest import market.

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The Guardian highlights here that the number of farms in Europe has seen a significant decline amid the growth of so-called factory farms.

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There's a degree of controversy surrounding the plans of a North Yorkshire power station to retrofit carbon capture technology.

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This is a brilliant example of why government intervention in the form of subsidies often fails, even if well-intentioned.

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The IMF believes that support for a global mass vaccination programme will generate significantly more benefits than costs - even with a $50bn price tag.

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Here is a terrific example of factors that can cause an inward shift in short run aggregate supply (SRAS) for the British economy.

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To what extent do the tech giants benefit society? Or are they now operating against the public interest, and in an anti-competitive fashion?

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This World Bank clip looks at the importance of biodiversity to development, arguing that sustainable development requires due care to be taken of the Earth's natural resources.

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UK farmers have raised concerns about a trade deal with which country? The CMA has green-lighted the merger between which two media giants? What kind of spending did Oxfam describe as 'obscene'?...

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The IMF is clearing Sudan's $50bn arrears to the institution, and in doing so, hopefully improving Sudan's economic problems.

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A review has concluded that the UK rail network needs not full re-nationalisation, but something akin to that - with unified state control of timetables and pricing, as well as control of the...

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Is there no limit to our ingenuity? In this case a sticker on fruit slows the ripening process, extending life of fruit by mimicking naturally-occurring chemicals.

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China's population grew at its slowest pace in decades, according to government data.

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This wonderfully vivid photo-essay from the Guardian could make for an excellent starter activity.

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This clip looks at the adverse environmental consequences of cryptocurrencies because of the carbon footprint generated by Bitcoin mining.

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Larry Elliott reflects here upon the threat of inflation, arguing that hawks forecasting uncontrollable, double-digit inflation seem not to have moved with the times.

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Test your knowledge of the week's economic-related stories with the new Economics Weekly Quiz!

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Given that only one-third of Somali's have access to electricity, anything that increases their access to electricity is going to improve living standards.

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Test your knowledge of the week's economic-related stories with the new Economics Weekly Quiz!

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This long read from the FT provides important insights into the many challenges facing the Northern Ireland economy.

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