Lloyds Banking Group is planning the enter the private housing rental market through their Citra Living brand.

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The vexed issue of executive pay is highlighted in a new High Pay Centre investigation into the extent to which CEOs do better than the rest of us.

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A lovely short video case study here on how reforestation can help to promote sustainable development.

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This is a fascinating insight into the market for jumbo jets, with current estimates that nearly 40% of all jets are currently sat idle

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This World Economic Forum clip highlights three things that are making the circular economy more achievable

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I enjoyed reading this piece in the Oxford Business Review on barriers to growth and development in the Jamaican economy.

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It is interesting that Xiaomi are being so ambitious in targeting top spot in the global smartphone market.

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This new paper from Bloom et al from Stanford provides an overview of how original pioneer locations of disruptive technologies such as AI and broadband retain their initial advantages over many...

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Can JetBlue succeed where other challengers to the oligopolistic power of BA, Virgin and other leading carriers have failed?

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Is this the beginning of the end for the command economy in Cuba?

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Another excellent Business Insider look at a luxury good - this time the Hasselblad camera.

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Around 95% of infrastructure spending in sub-Saharan Africa is funded by national governments rather than the private sector.

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i really like this research article from VoxDev on global differences in cement prices as it brings Theme 3 micro and Theme 4 macro together.

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Who would have thought that the CEO of a company producing plant-based meat alternatives would be in favour of a tax on meat consumption.

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Here is a really interesting article about the impact of coronavirus on the labour market, and the nature of the recovery.

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This article features basic economics: scarcity and resource use. Factor in a little bit of technology and what's not to like.

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The Competition and Markets Authority has the pharmaceutical sector firmly in their sights judging by news that they have levied a fine of £100 million on the owners and manufacturers of thyroid...

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Sheffield Forgemasters, a leading supplier of steel to the UK Ministry of Defence is to be taken into state ownership.

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Every little helps! Tesco's £1,000 signing on bonus for HGV drivers is a natural market response to the chronic shortage of drivers that threatens to impede recovery from the pandemic.

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Here is a great example of a business whose revenues and profits have benefitted from the shift to online spending during the pandemic.

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