Here is a brilliant piece in the Observer looking at the challenges facing aviation as it looks to hit net zero.

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It seems that the government is considering financing increased expenditure on social care by increasing National Insurance contributions.

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Economics or Business Management: take your pick. Either way this is a good applied exampleof diversification and internal growth.

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Welcome back to the new term! The beauty of economics comes from how it can be applied to the real world so why not try our weekly quiz and test your knowledge? We have 10 questions using economics...

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There are so many micro and macro aspects to this news story about continued heavy losses at the UK operation of Indian conglomerate Tata Steels.

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NEETs are young people who are not in education, employment or training. The good news is that the number of people in this category is falling.

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The Sri Lankan government is introducing government-controlled prices in a bid to stem inflation in an economy hit hard by a depreciating currency and the damaging impact of covid on their...

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The World Health Organisation has called air pollution the "silent tsunami" and the latest data on the negative externalities of air pollution suggests that it is a bigger killer than many...

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A lovely example here of how changing non-price factors can cause a change in the market supply of coffee beans used mainly for producing instant coffee.

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This is a lovely example of what is meant by the term 'under-employment' and illustrates exactly what this implies for an economy.

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The United States has entered the market for offshore wind, with the first wind farms being built, with the hope being that ultimately it will house the most powerful wind turbines in the world,...

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The Guardian's John Harris writes here about the ongoing labour shortages, arguing that they offer an opportunity for workers to assert their power, supported by trade unions, and see a substantial...

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This BBC clip looks at the impact of the global chip shortage on the world economy, with bottlenecks in different sectors and impacts for firms and individuals.

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Are the wheels starting to come off the connected-fitness market dominated by businesses such as Peloton?

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This is the sort of really interesting article that Economics teachers love - a classic example of why rent ceilings don't work.

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New Bristol University research reported here suggests that the poorest sectors of society in the UK are targeted with betting shops more highly concentrated in less affluent areas. Betting shops...

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Here is a lovely bit of economic history covering creative destruction and the nature of markets.

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Are soaring property prices - over time - good news for the UK economy?

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Should a carbon tax vary according to the stage of the economic cycle?

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A cluster or comment pieces in recent days have focused on the uncertainties surrounding the UK and global macroeconomics outlook.

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