This BBC clip looks at whether or not there's a significant role for green energy to play in powering Africa's future.

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The latest research from the Lowy Institute highlights the challenges facing the Pacific Islands in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. 'Shortages' seems to be the theme of this quiz! Which Premier League football club has had a sponsorship payment made in cryptocurrency? Which sandwich shop...

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The OECD is forecasting higher inflation across the developed world, with the UK expected to have 3% inflation by the end of 2022, but falling inflation in a number of other economies.

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This Bloomberg clip is a fantastic look at the impact of the Ever Given blocking the Suez Canal last March.

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Nouriel Roubini raises the spectre of stagflation - which students and their parents - might have to look up.

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News here of a potential merger in the transport sector - and thus horizontal integration between National Express and Stagecoach.

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The Social Market Foundation is playing the long game here, arguing that a declining birth rate is imperilling the UK's long-term prosperity.

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The Guardian's Felicity Lawrence suggests that the current supply chain issues are not a short-term phenomenon and date back to technological change and shifts in working patterns.

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The supply-chain crisis affecting the UK economy seems to be deepening. Sharp increases in world natural gas prices are said to have led to the temporary closure of some fertiliser plants the...

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John Naughton's article wonders whether, in a sustainable world, we really need to buy the latest iPhone.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Which food chain announced an 11% wage increase? Which coin has been minted for the first time in 2 years? What caused the UK's sudden inflation hike? All...

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This FT clip looks at how a Tesla founder, JB Straubel, has moved into an unusual market - recycling lithium batteries.

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This is an excellent article that highlights the extent to which we are dependent upon mathematics to sustain our supply chain.

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Larry Elliott looks at some of the economic implications of increased take-up of electric cars.

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Here is a good example of activist investors which is related to the principal agent problem.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Which US celebrity has been criticised for promoting an untested cryptocurrency? Which coffee house announced a 5% increase in wages? Which country has said...

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This story is a consequence of the current supply chain issues, which have limited the access of water companies to the chemicals required to treat waste water.

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Amazon UK is only paying an extra £3.8 million in corporation tax despite a £1.9 billion increase in sales.

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I love the National Audit Office. This article looks at a coruscating finding in relation to the so-called Green Homes Grant which proved a flop.

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