In the ever-evolving quest to reduce humanity’s carbon footprint, Dale Vince, a name synonymous with green energy, is setting his sights on the skies. Through Ecojet, Vince hopes to launch the...

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In what may seem like a small culinary crisis, the humble yet beloved taramasalata has become the unlikely focal point of a much broader economic saga. A nationwide shortage of this distinctive...

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The rising costs of baby formula in the UK have left many parents feeling squeezed, and now, a government watchdog is sounding the alarm. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has recommended...

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How does the UK's growth compared to the G7 countries?

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The numbers are staggering: $2 trillion in global economic losses from extreme weather over the past decade. As diplomats converge for the COP29 climate summit in Baku, this stark figure serves as...

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A really interesting piece in today's Guardian, marking the end of Larry Elliott's 28 year tenure as Economics editor. It provides a broad sweep of the economic history of the period, and the...

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UK students will face higher costs for university next year as tuition fees increase to £9,535, breaking a fee freeze that’s held since 2017.

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The pub and restaurant industry is sounding the alarm. Over 200 leading figures in hospitality have warned that recent increases in National Insurance Contributions (NICs) will disproportionately...

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on the verge of changing how we live, work, and interact, especially in the labour market. Tony Blair’s Institute for Global Change has shed light on the expected...

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Here's this week economics news quiz! The quiz has 8 multi-choice questions about news events relating to economics from the previous 7 days. Most of the questions relate to the UK economy but some...

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Has there been an increase in natural disasters in the world?

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The Bank of England’s latest interest rate cut from 5% to 4.75% was a move anticipated by economists and financial markets alike. While a lower rate is generally welcome for those with debts, there...

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On 30th October 2024, the first female Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered her first budget, but how might it affect the macroeconomy?

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In a world increasingly shaped by the push and pull of global trade policies, the potential re-imposition of steep tariffs by Donald Trump, when he returns to the White House, offers a striking...

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What has happened to government borrowing and National debt since1974 and how are they related?

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For the first time in eight years, university tuition fees in England will rise from £9,250 to £9,535 starting next autumn. This modest increase might seem like a small adjustment, but it’s part of...

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The IMF is concerned that a global trade war would cause a significant 7% loss of global GDP.

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Here's this week economics news quiz! The quiz has 8 multi-choice questions about news events relating to economics from the previous 7 days. Most of the questions relate to the UK economy but some...

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What share of estates are liable for paying IHT in the UK and how much revenue does IHT raise?

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The UK government has announced a new flat tax on vaping products, set to take effect in October 2026. This policy, part of the Labour government’s broader health initiatives, aims to discourage...

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