Here's our weekly economics news quiz.

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Put simply. No. Autarky isn't the way forward and the static and dynamic benefits of trade are, to most people, self-evident.

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It is a decision sure to ignite criticism from within and outside the UK. The government has given the green light for a £165m project that is forecast to create about 500 new jobs in Cumbria (a...

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I'll be forever grateful to Ben White for his brilliant idea of using Play-Doh to encourage students to make real the diagrams they seem to draw endlessly in Year 13 micro and macro lessons! This...

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Ricardo Hausmann is the founder and Director of Harvard’s Growth Lab and this one hour lecture recorded at the Sante Fe Institute in June 2022 is truly superb. I showed it to my Year 13 economists...

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The World Bank are concerned by the fact that next year the world's poorest economies are going to see their debt interest payments rise by 35%.

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I've just published a short revision video on key indicators of international competitiveness. Whilst exchange rates and relative inflation rates are important, in the video I look at some of the...

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Here comes another supply-side shock - with the National Farmers Union reporting that higher feed, fertiliser and fuel costs are going to impact on the supply of energy intensive crops like...

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As someone who has experienced hearing loss during covid, this economics news is personal. The Competition and Markets Authority are poised to deepen an investigation into the proposed merger...

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There's a cold snap on the way, and it's going to test the supply-side capacity of the UK electricity generation industry. Or are we likely to experience power cuts this winter?

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Richard Partington writing in the Guardian looks at the current macroeconomic concern with the size of the UK labour force. Since the pandemic, the workforce has declined by 600,000 - students,...

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Here is a remarkable clip looking at Amazon's fulfilment centres, looking at working conditions and the high risk of repetitive strain injuries with research suggesting that Amazon's employees are...

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It seems that UK mortgage lenders were quick to hike two-year fixed rate mortgage rates in the aftermath of the mini-Budget, but that since then, as money market swap rates have fallen back,...

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Here are a couple of revision resources covering elasticity of demand.

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Research by food charity Sustain reveals the remarkably low profit margins being earned by the UK's farmer for essential items - cheese, bread, apples, carrots and beefburger. They earn 1p on a...

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In this regular video update we look at some of the key stats on the UK to help take the temperature of the economy and assess whether or not a recession is happening and how deep and prolonged it...

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There are big concerns about the burden of student debt, high interest rates and the cost of loans to the taxpayer. Let’s take a quick look at the figures.

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Housing economics is always topical, and the mortgage market is a key one to study. So, who are the UK’s largest suppliers of mortgage finance for would-be home-buyers?

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OFGEM has reviewed the way in which the energy network is being run and have announced that those companies responsible for managing local networks, including Scottish and Southern Electricity...

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Another day, another exam essay walkthrough! We've just posted an answer to this question: Assess the view that a depreciation of the pound against other currencies is likely to improve the UK’s...

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