As Sri Lanka tries to recover from its debt crisis, it seems that the prospect of recovery will depend upon the extent to which it is able to cancel its existing debts.

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A new report from the Resolution Foundation finds that real disposable incomes will continue to get squeezed throughout 2023 and into 2024.

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The petrol sector is under fire for proving Keynes right about sticky prices. Although petrol and diesel prices are falling, according to the RAC they're not falling fast enough. Wholesale prices...

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Here's our weekly economics news quiz.

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Every best wish for the year ahead, we hope that you have a happy and successful 2023. Here is a quick Economics resource update.

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I've put together a twenty question quiz on some of the big Economics and Business news stories of 2022. Have a go!

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There's been a 30% increase in the number of public charging points that have been installed in the UK during 2022, bringing the total to 37,000. Remarkably, this is in line with the target of...

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When was the last time you polished your shoes? Changing work patterns and the rise of casual clothing and footwear means that the days of Kiwi shoe polish are numbered.

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The Norwegians with a very Scandinavian problem: rising energy prices have seen the country benefit from increase oil and gas revenues, to the tune of around 133 billion euros, or around 20,000...

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Here is an important applied example of monopsony power and working poverty. There are an estimated 5,000 hand cash-washes in the UK and new research from Nottingham Trent University finds that the...

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Some great applied macro from the Guardian and BBC news in recent days. Here is a selection of articles to enjoy as we head into what promises to be a tough New Year on many fronts. The article...

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The annual uprating of rail fares is always controversial, if only because since 2010, rail fares have gone up by 58%, or twice as fast as wages.

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Chemical giant 3M has announced that it is going to stop the manufacture of so-called forever chemicals. However, the damage may already have been done.

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This is a super-interesting clip for business economics students: it costs $1million per day to run Royal Caribbean's Symphony of the Sea, a boat with 6,000 passengers per week, with a crew of...

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2022 was a year when the rate of consumer price inflation accelerated sharply rising to 11% in November. As Chris Giles noted in a recent FT opinion piece, “a generation has had to worry about a...

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The UK housing market has defied economic gravity for many years now, but 2023 is likely to be a period when average property prices drop. In this short video, I explore four reasons to expect a...

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The data for the 2022 Human Development Index is now available and Switzerland has overtaken Norway to claim top spot in this composite indicator of development. However, for the second year in a...

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Two good examples for your Theme 4 macro notes! A growing number of countries rich in natural resources that the rest of the world needs are introducing export restrictions of raw, unprocessed...

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A Grocery supplier, Proctor & Associates, is taking Lidl to court, alleging that the latter has systemically destroyed its business, using its monopsony power to poach its suppliers, or using...

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The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee have published a report looking at the state of the UK economy, noting that the loss of half a million workers from the UK economy poses an existential...

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