The slowing birth rate in Japan poses a significant supply-side threat to the economic fortunes of a nation not renowned for it's ability to assimilate immigrants.

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Good news for Thailand in that tourism revenues are recovering, although still below pre-pandemic levels, because this represents an injection into the circular flow of income and it will trigger a...

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There has been a flurry of business and economic policy stories floating around recently. Here is a quick take on them plus links for student reading.

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This is likely a fair way off but what a story to start the economics week! Brazil and Argentina are set to announce that they are starting preparatory work on a common currency, in a move which...

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The decision to grant British Steel another £300 million in rescue funding demonstrates the dangers of subsidising failing businesses. Having already intervened, if the government withdraw funding,...

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Joseph Stiglitz argues here that there should be higher taxes for the super-rich suggesting that there's a case for an income tax rate of around 70% and a 2-3% wealth tax to reduce inequality. In...

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Nouriel Roubini - aka Dr Doom - has never knowingly been overly optimistic; at least he's consistent here, arguing that the super-elite at Davos seem to be blind to the extent of the mega-threats...

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This excellent video clip from the Economist looks at regional inequality and the theory behind levelling up. I think that the first truth spoken is the fact that the political classes have no idea...

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Here's our weekly economics news quiz.

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Our weekly revision livestreams start on Wednesday 25th January commencing 6.30pm (GMT). Please do join Jon, Pete, Nicky, Penny, Lisa and Geoff for fast-paced revision sessions on key A-Level and...

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The cost of living crisis, a well-known bakers and a consideration of costs. Those studying Economics in Year 13 should, by now by aware of the importance of costs in determining price and quantity...

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A number charities and non-profit organisations are calling for the government to maintain its intervention in the energy market after April for those on the lowest incomes by offering a social...

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Sri Lanka's turmoil continues with the government choosing to defer the salaries of certain state sector employees (presumably not their own) due to the financial situation, and all ministries - of...

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Will China grow old before she grows rich? For the first time in sixty years and largely due to a steep decline in the birth rate, China's population declined in 2022. The population fell by...

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Some interesting articles have appeared in recent days about the squeeze on real wages and the growing incidence of working poverty.

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The Guardian makes the case here for a wealth tax arguing that currently the four richest people in Britain own more wealth than 20 million of their compatriots.

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Will the decision by Tesla to cut prices by more than 10% in the UK and up to 20% across Europe lead to a significant expansion of demand? This is a perfect short case study in price elasticity of...

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Business Insider looks at so-called 'superfoods' in this half hour clip looking at how the production of three commodities - açaí,, avocado and durian fruit - are not as straightforward as they...

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In this brilliant short video, the Economist looks at the impact of the war in the Ukraine on global energy markets seeking to draw parallels between this and the OPEC oil price shocks of 40 years...

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Here's our weekly economics news quiz.

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