Both during and after the pandemic, there has been a dramatic upsurge in the share of income going to the richest one per cent of people in the USA according to new data. The top 1% share now far...

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Can you hear Pret customers tearing up their monthly subscriptions? Pret-a-Manger is to stop selling shakes and smoothies because they can't afford it and instead will offer iced-drinks.

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A trial involving 61 firms and over 3,000 workers has seemed to validate the notion that a four-day working week has helped boost productivity at the margin.

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Why did milk prices reach an all-time wholesale price record in December?

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How to make 50,000 meals a day and take into account the fact that food can taste different in the sky?

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One for Year 13 economists. Larry Elliott looks here at the future of the World Bank in the aftermath and asks the pertinent question about whether an institution that emerged in the aftermath of...

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What a story to start a new week. The Mayor of London is drawing on higher than expected tax revenues from business rates to fund a one-year universal programme offering free meals to all primary...

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A debate is raging about whether we can truly believe the super-charged economic growth that is taking place in the Irish economy. Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman has labelled the rapid...

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In our revision blast session last week, we looked at measures of competitiveness and focused on macro and micro supply-side policies that might help improve the UK's relative standings in...

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This is one of those twitter streams that arrives once in a while and provides a veritable gold-mine of interesting examples of when industries draw on ideas from others to fast-forward the...

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Some excellent revision material here for Year 13 Economics students; Nestle have announced that continued cost rises mean that they are going to have to increase prices again.

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Here's our weekly economics news quiz.

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Improving the energy efficiency of the UK’s ageing housing stock has become increasingly important considering increasing energy prices - how strong is the case for government financial support to...

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The decision by McDonald's to raise prices on five core menu items brings into play many aspects of business economics such as the likely PED, the effect of rising costs, food price inflation, the...

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One of the external members of the Monetary Policy Committee, Jonathan Haskel, has estimated that Brexit has effectively imposed a productivity penalty equivalent to £29 billion on the UK economy....

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A half term hat tip to Prairna Sharma for spotting this timely article from Eric Solheim lauding Nepal for their success in increasing forest cover. This is a great example of Elinor Ostrom's work...

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You'll find plenty of hand car wash businesses dotted around the towns and cities of the UK. The hand car wash industry has come under increasing criticism in recent years both in terms of...

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This BBC article looks at the profits being made by the big oil companies and attempts to explain them.

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OFCOM have decided to investigate mobile phone and broadband suppliers who introduce price increases mid-contract.

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With central banks in many countries including the UK and the USA raising policy interest rates, we have added two short topic videos to our reference section on how increased interest rates might...

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