Coursera module: Behavioural Economics
Some more WoW from WoW delegates: Gapminder and Memrise
Articles on Oil Prices
An updated posting of relevant articles on the global oil market
In praise of short termism
Vinyl is back!
Annual sales of vinyl records have soared beyond a million for the first time in nearly twenty years. It is a remarkable change of fortune for the vinyl industry and a classic example of how a...
The Case for Growth - Collier and Besley in Conversation
What should be the central strategies for growth? Economists Paul Collier and Tim Besley are in conversation about effective growth strategies which are essentially about harnessing scale (of...
Coca Cola enters the milk market
Is this a Red Bull moment for the US milk industry? Coca Cola is looking to break into the retail milk market with a new product branded Fairlife that contains more protein and less sugar but will...
Will OPEC cut production to curb the declining price of oil?
The 30% fall in the world price of crude oil in recent months undoubtedly has a bearing on prospects for the UK economy. Will the oil producer cartel OPEC act to limit output in a bid to stem the...
Is Globalisation making a comeback?
Does technological innovation increase unemployment?
This is an important issue made even more relevant today with the rapid emergence of robotic technologies, the roll out of driverless cars, robotic trucks and much else besides. Nobel-winning...
How China is re-balancing her economy
I love this quote "China’s economy is caught in the crossfire of structural and cyclical headwinds" Lots to read here if you are interested in following the Chinese economic story - read the...
Dunnhumbly - the humble beginnings of a shopping revolution!
Dunnhumbly has appeared on a previous Unit 3 Micro data response paper! This is an interesting profile of the founders of the business whose statistical approach to market intelligence can...
Creating markets in things that don't yet exist
Creating markets for things that don't yet exist is a target for lifting innovation and research in the British economy according to this new report from Cambridge University. This is relevant to...