Dunnhumbly has appeared on a previous Unit 3 Micro data response paper! This is an interesting profile of the founders of the business whose statistical approach to market intelligence can...

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Creating markets for things that don't yet exist is a target for lifting innovation and research in the British economy according to this new report from Cambridge University. This is relevant to...

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The fiscal austerity introduced by the Coalition government as part of their attempt to reduce the size of the structural budget deficit may have worsened the gap between rich and poor according to...

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Here is an example of competition policy in action and an intervention that is likely to shake up the controversial market for doorstep or 'payday' loans

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Is there a secret Leninist cell operating at a high level in the European Commission's headquarters in Brussels?

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The Economic Research Council is about to launch their annual macroeconomic forecasting competition and they are keen for many more schools and colleges to get involved!

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Recently, we have seen a very effective piece of forward guidance. Ed Miliband’s statement that Labour would bring in a mansion tax on properties worth more than £2 million has had a dramatic impact.

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For the first time in over four years, global crude oil prices have fallen below the $80 dollar per barrel benchmark.

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McKinsey has produced a new report on prospects for economic growth and development in the ASEAN single market. One aspect is that the depth of intra-regional trade within the ten member group...

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Here is a link to a collaborative presentation put together by one of my Year 13 Economics groups on the issue of the impact of foreign direct investment in Africa. Click here:...

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The University of Sterling Behavioural Science Centre is curating an interesting play list of behavioural economics videos available on you tube. Click here to access:...

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