30th November 2014

Articles on Oil Prices

An updated posting of relevant articles on the global oil market

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27th November 2014

Vinyl is back!

Annual sales of vinyl records have soared beyond a million for the first time in nearly twenty years. It is a remarkable change of fortune for the vinyl industry and a classic example of how a...

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What should be the central strategies for growth? Economists Paul Collier and Tim Besley are in conversation about effective growth strategies which are essentially about harnessing scale (of...

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Is this a Red Bull moment for the US milk industry? Coca Cola is looking to break into the retail milk market with a new product branded Fairlife that contains more protein and less sugar but will...

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The 30% fall in the world price of crude oil in recent months undoubtedly has a bearing on prospects for the UK economy. Will the oil producer cartel OPEC act to limit output in a bid to stem the...

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This is an important issue made even more relevant today with the rapid emergence of robotic technologies, the roll out of driverless cars, robotic trucks and much else besides. Nobel-winning...

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I love this quote "China’s economy is caught in the crossfire of structural and cyclical headwinds" Lots to read here if you are interested in following the Chinese economic story - read the...

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