This article introduces students to the concept of adjusted net saving as a relevant indicator of the sustainability of growth for developing countries. Can Africa's strong recent growth...

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An excellent video made for the Economics classroom applying the theory of market structures to the world of transport in Singapore.

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17th December 2014

Renting in Modern Britain

There are nine million private renters in the UK and the numbers are rising. So what happens to housing rent levels makes a big difference both to discretionary disposable income and the...

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This info graphic from the Office of National Statistics provides an overview of the measured standard of living across the twenty-eight member nations of the European Union. The UK is ranked 4th...

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Intra-regional trade in South Asia is among the lowest in the world - just 5% of national output compared to 25% for the ASEAN region. This World Bank video looks at the importance of regional...

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A short video report from the World Bank on the challenges facing Turkey in the next phase of their development path.

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One of THE important global macroeconomic stories to keep up to speed with in the weeks and months ahead. The Russian economy is being hit by the external shock of the steep fall in global crude...

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When reading this article consider why the central bank (the Bank of England) has introduced stress tests for commercial banks. The stress test is one of the responses to the 2007 Global Financial...

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Here is a link to a new IMF staff paper focusing on the challenges for Turkey as it seeks to move beyond middle income status and join the ranks of advanced, high income countries. According to the...

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This BBC article looks at the question of whether China is now the largest country in the world measured by GDP at purchasing power parity: Read:

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As the seventh anniversary of the start of the economic crisis approaches, it is an appropriate moment to take stock. At the time, the recession was simply not recognised by conventional economic...

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Very strange things have been happening in government bond markets. The yield on 10 year US bonds is currently around 2.25 per cent. It makes intuitive sense that the Germans, with their...

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New data highlights that the lowest income households in the UK have seen the fastest increase in the cost of living over the last decade. This article is part of the ongoing and wider debate about...

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