Here is a veritable feast of economic development charts

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Robert Litan's talk explores the surprising role economists have played in the development of the internet economy -- and quite possibly your love life.

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26th December 2014

The Economics of Enough

Is economic growth always a good thing? Why are people in countries like the US and UK not happier or working fewer hours when GDP has tripled since 1950?

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Kate Raworth flips economic thinking on its head to give a crash course in alternative economics, explaining in three minutes what they'll never teach you in three years of a degree. Find out why...

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26th December 2014

Putting a face on poverty

Marcelo Giugale, an economist at the World Bank Global Practice on Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management illustrates how macroeconomists can influence policy to improve the lives of the poor - the...

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The latest Global Economic League Table published by the Centre for Economic and Business Research places the UK as the 5th largest economy in the world, overtaking France.

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The BBC's Robert Peston is growing increasingly concerned about the widening deficit on the UK's current account of the balance of payments.

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Price vodka too high and you risk high prices the consumption of illegal and possibly unsafe alcohol. Price it too low and your encourage excessive consumption in a country already beset with...

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The dimensions are staggering and the economics behind the building of the world's largest ship yet constructed is also really interesting.

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Fake and suspicious products are an inevitable fact of life on online auction sites and with e-commerce more generally. eBaY spends millions each year to finance a buyer-protection plan.

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24th December 2014

Uber and Surge Pricing

Uber is a business that has enjoyed rapid growth because of the huge success of its app. It now operates in more than 250 cities across 50 countries although some cities and governments have taken...

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This article from BBC World Business is a superb overview on some of the key issues facing the European / Global economy during 2014. The interview with Martin Wolf is especially prescient as the...

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Philip Coggan from the Economist reviews a new book by Richard Koo, Chief Economist at Nomura Securities.

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This is a timely and excellent article from Duncan Weldon (BBC Newsnight) for student macroeconomists on two deficits that seem to get far less media attention than the government's fiscal deficit.

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The brilliant Harvard economist Ricardo Hausmann makes the case in this Project Syndicate article for public goods being a key driver of productivity and competitiveness in developed and developing...

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A famous quote from Keynes makes it into this piece: "The boom, not the slump, is the time for austerity at the Treasury."In the wake of the December 2014 Autumn Statement and projections for...

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This article from VoxEU is excellent background reading on the economic and social costs of obesity. The figures are startling and hugely significant both for developed and developing countries.

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Here is an example of secular stagnation on a very long run scale. Argentina is the only country in the world that was 'developed' in 1900 and 'developing' in 2000.

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Economic wellbeing is not simply the product of the published GDP figures telling us just where we are in the business cycle. There are many more aspects to wellbeing than this and the UK Office...

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The CMA Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is launching an investigation into Pork Farms' acquisition of the chilled savoury pastries division of Kerry Foods, both of which supply supermarkets...

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