The world's 5th largest car maker has posted substantially lower profits.

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The irrepressible Rory Sutherland is on fine form in this article in the Spectator.

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Students will know that I am a big fan of the Financial Times channel on You Tube. Today's clip focuses in on the (hugely welcome) fall in unemployment in the UK and also the fast-changing pattern...

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Executive bonuses are back in the news. The Goldman Sachs pot of £8.3 billion has been prominent. German executive pay has overtaken that in the UK for the first time. Top management seems to have...

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Significant and structural differences in regional economic growth are highlighted in a new report from the Centre for Cities.

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One of the biggest financial policy decisions in recent years happened in january 2015 when the Swiss National Bank (SNB) lifted their currency cap against the Euro. The result was a sudden and...

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The third of the Baltic States has joined the Euro bringing the total number of member nations to 19.

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CPI inflation has slipped well below the lower limit of the Monetary Policy Committee's target, to 0.5% - that is far lower than it fell during the recession, and the lowest level since May 2000....

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