In this blog entry we will curate recent examples of industries in which collusive price fixing behaviour has been alleged.

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The huge labour shake-out at flailing technology business Nokia appears to have been a boon to the start-up community in Finland.

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A lot has been made of the recent set of growth figures recently published of the UK economy. Despite the seemingly positive 0.5% quarterly growth and 2.6% annual growth, the overall impression is...

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Is rising inequality inevitable? Thomas Piketty, author of 'Capital in the 21st Century', argues that political institutions hold the answer.

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Someone somewhere got an iPhone for Christmas! Apple's newly released revenue and profits figures are truly staggering.

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Many outrageous things happened around the world during the course of last week. But, judging by both the level of popular interest in the story and reaction to it, the most heinous was the...

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The January 2015 election has once again raised the issue of Greek's economic and political crisis straight to the top of the news agenda. Here are some video resources and other links to the...

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In a long awaited move, the European Central Bank (ECB) has launched a huge programme of quantitative easing (QE) (60 billion euro per month) as part of their continued efforts to kick-start...

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