Jim O'Neill was formerly Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs and is now Honorary Professor of Economics at Manchester University, a visiting research fellow at the economic think tank Bruegel, and a...

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Two of the UK's fastest growing deep discount retailers, Poundland and 99p Stores have agreed to become one although the deal is subject to confirmation from the Competition Authorities.

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Why do huge external imbalances herald disaster? Martin Wolf, the FT's chief economics commentator, explains what happens when some countries spend much less than their incomes and so run big...

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The Commitment to Development Index ranks 27 of the world's richest countries on their policies that affect more than five billion people living in poorer nations

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Notes from a talk given on the global economy by Martin Wolf of the Financial Times

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There's a great graphic in the Economist to illustrate the currency pegs in operation around the world.

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Pricing in countries with a fast-growing middle class of consumers is an important decision for transnational businesses.

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The UK manufacturers of the Raspberry Pi computer have recently announced a new up-graded version of their product that promises a higher specification, speed, flexibility and an eventual tie-in...

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Can the rich Danish economy continue to peg their exchange rate to the Euro? The currency has come under sustained upward pressure in recent months and the Danish central bank - whose sole mandate...

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Non price competition between giant US corporations can often come with a hefty price tag!

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Game theory is a big topic in academic economics. It is scarcely possible to graduate from a good university without exposure to its abstruse logic. So perhaps the Greek government, replete with...

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Rather than explicitly revealing information about the quality of their products and services, many firms prefer to signal quality through the prices they charge, typically working on the...

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People surprised by HIV-positive test results increase their risky sexual behaviour, exposing their partners to HIV infection and experiencing a more than nine-fold increase in sexually transmitted...

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People with low levels of patience have a greater chance of becoming obese, particularly at a time when meat and high-calorie foods are relatively inexpensive.

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Here is your starter for ten. What do the Uber app and David Ricardo have in common? Ricardo, I hear you ask. Scarcely known outside academic economics, he ranks equal with Adam Smith and Keynes...

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Poland is Europe's great economic success story, the only country to avoid a recession during the financial crisis. So it is easy to see why the Poles are enthusiastic about Europe. For them, it...

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There are sizeable political barriers in the way of this proposal - but Obama's plans for a tax on the profits of US firms stashed overseas at least deserves some scrutiny.

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