Dani Rodrik introduces 'The Globalisation Trilemma'. It shows how economics is a science of trade-offs - and the we can have too much globalisation

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Nobel-prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz tells how the financial crisis of 2008 was a perfect storm of market failure.

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In the early 1990s Kathryn Grady of Brandeis University went in search of prefect competition at Fulton Fish Market in downtown New York - what she found was quite different.

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Richard Freeman of Harvard University and the National Bureau of Economic Research argues that while you can outsource production, you cannot outsource responsibility.

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Juan Camilo Cárdenas of Universidad de los Andes describes his innovative use of experimental economics in real-life situations and how it helps us understand why people co-operate despite the...

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In this short video, Juliet Schor of Boston College discusses the paradox that, despite gains in technology, many people aren't working less - instead they are working more. What does this mean for...

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In this short video, Sureash Naidu of Columbia University shows how three interconnected forces have led some countries to grow rich and enjoy a standard of living today that would have been...

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The world's oldest central bank (the Swedish Riksbank) has chosen to move their policy interest rate into negative territory as part of a plan to avoid the Swedish economy falling into persistent...

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I was interested to read a few days ago that new data on real GDP has the Indian economy outpacing China for the first time in a long while.

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In recent years the low level of bank funding for businesses can come under enormous scrutiny.

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We store data in the cloud, might consumers and businesses soon be storing power in huge battery banks designed to smooth out the energy supplies from renewable sources such as wind and solar power?

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Video of a talk on behavioural economics and public policy given by Dr David Halpern at the Marshall Society, University of Cambridge

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The latest (2015) edition of my free, comprehensive guide to applying for Economics at University is now available to download here

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There was a short item on the Channel 4 news last night that I thought was a good example of what we teach as an 'unintended affect' of Government policy which leads to failure. The example given...

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EVERY year, the supermarkets hire substantial batches of high-flying graduates to work in their buying departments. The urban mythology is that these expensively-educated young people are paid to...

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Vox have published a splendid e-book "Europe: No Country for Young People" looking at the diverse experiences of youth unemployment in Europe in the recent past. It highlights the diverse...

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This four minute video from The Guardian is punchy and guaranteed to generate discussion - you may not agree with the sentiments but have a look and then take issue.

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I am delighted to post details of a free student event on the British economy being organised by the economics team at St Mary Magdalene Academy in London.

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Tim Harford tells the story of Thomas Schelling, an economist who helped America and the Soviet Union to avoid nuclear war.

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