How much would you pay to hear your favourite band play live, to watch your team play at Wembley, or to see Benedict Cumberbatch play Hamlet at the Barbican Theatre? If you couldn't get tickets...

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New analysis shows that there is no evidence of a negative impact of immigration on jobs, wages, housing or the crowding out of public services. The research is summarised in a new report from the...

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A neighbour recently asked me (starting his question with the dreaded phrase "You're an economist…") what was all this fuss about payday lenders? Surely they are providing a valuable service to...

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The Oscars have come and gone for another year. Winning an Oscar is very often the basis for either making a fortune, or turning an existing one into mega riches. Jack Nicholson has an estimated...

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Suggested answers to a practice data response question on unemployment and inflation (AS Macro)

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There is a very useful article written by Douglas Fraser of BBC Scotland on the key economic issues pertinent to the next election.

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22nd February 2015

Deaths from air pollution

This World Bank report cites evidence that several million people each year might be dying from illnesses directly related to air pollution.

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In this article from the BBC, Linda Yueh considers some of the factors driving a recovery in manufacturing output, investment and jobs in the United States.

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Mark Carney says that a period of low inflation – even deflation – propelled by falling oil prices would be "unambiguously good" for the economy. How do we reconcile this with the textbook position...

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Centre for Cities is an independent organisation that conducts research on change in city life and economy. It has a great website that will be of real use to economics teachers.

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The Champion's League and the Premier League are hotting up as the soccer season moves full-steam into the final stanza. No one knows for sure who will claim the prizes at the end of this campaign

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18th February 2015

What is Game Theory?

Game theory is the mathematical study of decision-making, of conflict and strategy in social situations.

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18th February 2015

Lithuania's Brain Drain

This BBC news article looks at the de-population of Euro Area country Lithuania. According to the piece, "In the 25 years since the fall of Communism, Lithuania has lost one in five of its...

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Fresh evidence today of the growing strength of the UK labour market in recent months

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INEQUALITY is now a buzzword in Britain. Scarcely a week goes by without a new publication by an academic or journalist lamenting the levels of poverty facing swathes of the population. They are...

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Andy Haldane, Chief Economist at the Bank of England has recently given a superb speech on the dynamic of economic growth.

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In January 2015, the UK government announced that the it had decided to bring forward the legislation for standardised packaging of cigarette packets before the end of this Parliament. A vote is...

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This will be a regularly curated list of mergers and takeovers involving well-known businesses. We hope it will help students to find examples of acquisitions that can be explore and used in...

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16th February 2015

Snapchat Visits Ent Soc!

It was a thrill last week for my students who run Entrepreneurship Society to host a meeting with Evan Spiegel, the founder and CEO of messaging app Snapchat.

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