We have been talking about supply side policies a lot, at the AS and A2 Macro Revision Conferences around the country for the last week or so. The objectives of those policies is to boost the level...

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Drawing on a summary provided by the UK Parliament Research body, here are some of the key changes to UK labour migration policy in recent years:

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27th March 2015

Cocoa futures war

A really useful short video from the Financial Times on the emergence of new futures markets in cocoa

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At a cost of £50bn HS2 will be one of the most expensive infrastructure projects ever undertaken in the UK. The House of Lords Economic Select Committee argues that the Government have not yet made...

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24th March 2015

Loo roll index

On a day with some pretty significant economic news, this item might well pass you by. But consider the macroeconomic implications of the fact that sales of luxury toilet roll in the UK have been...

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This Financial Times video looks at the possible impact of foreign direct investment from a Chinese textiles company

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A lecture on competition policy / regulation in the energy sector given in March 2015 by the CEO of Ofgem

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Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta, the Cambridge Professor and renowned development economist, speaks to the Warwick Economics Summit 2015 with a speech entitled "Wealth and Well-Being"

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I was struck by the conclusion of a blog from Christope Lakner on the World Bank blog in which he made a staggering claim about wealth inequality in Africa

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It was the only company bidding to run this franchise, so little surprise that First Group will continue to run services west of London. Hopefully the next few years will see a substantial rise in...

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A new report has been produced seeking to estimate the economic consequences of the UK leaving the European Union

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This short interview with a mustard farmer from the East of England is a useful primer when discussing the importance of smaller-scale, often localised infrastructure projects.

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In this short one minute video we meet the managing direct or Kettle Foods, one of a growing number of premium crisp / chip food manufacturers in the UK.

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Here's our annual engaging lesson starter to help recap on the major policies introduced by George Osborne as part of his last Budget before the May 2015 General Election. Use this to promote...

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No country anywhere has developed without urbanisation. Professor Sir Paul Collier, the renowned development expert and Professor of Economics & Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of...

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Here are details of a new and exciting course for young entrepreneurs - it will run in London in the summer of 2015 and applications are now open.

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Our good friend George Buckley, Chief UK economist at Deutsche Bank argues in this interview with the Financial Times that consumption is driving the economic recovery. A useful primer for AS macro...

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This is an excellent 3 minute video from Sky's Ed Conway assessing how George Osborne has done as Chancellor in the years 2010-2015. A good range of AS macro indicators are used.

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The annual changes in the make up of the basket of goods and services used to calculate the consumer price index have been announced.

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Beware, in looking at the 
most recent current account data, of the changes that lie beneath the surface. For in spite of the fact that the trade deficit narrowed to £9.0 billion in Quarter 3...

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