There's a lot of discussion about low 
productivity in the UK. To some economists, productivity – typically measured by output per hour worked – is the single most important economic indicator. 

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The 2015 OECD survey of the state of health of the UK economy provides some important and useful pointers to the relative strengths and weaknesses of the British economy at a crucial stage of the...

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Here are details of the grade boundaries from the June 2014 papers set and marked by EdExcel

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How does an airport such as Heathrow make money? One key source of revenue is the charge on each and every passenger flying out of Heathrow to domestic and overseas destinations.

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A brilliant new paper from economist Mariana Mazzucato explores a mission-based approach to building the entrepreneurial state.

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This is not an April Fool's hoax! Amazon has launched the Dash button to help people automate their shopping using the internet of things. Prime customers are being encouraged to use the new button...

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Room service and taking items from the mini bar are just about the two more surefire ways of adding hugely to your hotel bill when accounts come to be settled.

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The annual rate of consumer price inflation in the UK has dropped to zero per cent and many are forecasting that we will experience a bout of price deflation in the months ahead. But how likely is...

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Economic statistics are the bane of forecasters' lives. Cynics might say that this is because the data reveal how bad their predictions are. But a big practical problem is that initial estimates of...

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Zero inflation is trending. The consumer price index in the UK was at the same level in February as it was a year earlier.

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Increases in tuition fees have a negative effect on university applications, particularly for courses with lower expected salaries after graduation. The number of students attending university also...

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Norway would clearly benefit from membership of the European Union (EU), according to new research by Nauro Campos and colleagues presented at the Royal Economic Society's 2015 annual conference.

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Here are thirty examples of where a student might want / need to make a distinction between different A2 macroeconomics concepts. How many can you get right?

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You should already know that the UK has a large current account deficit. Despite a falling UK £, UK export performance has been disappointing. A current account deficit has to be paid for with a...

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31st March 2015

LSE Summer Lectures

The summer 2015 programme for public lectures at the LSE has been launched.

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Do trade pacts threaten democracy? A recent article and broadcast on the BBC News website about growing opposition to treaties such as the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership...

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It is a sad fact that many of us will need to call on the assistance of Homecare workers at some time, to help us to provide care for sick or elderly relatives who are living at home rather than in...

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Lower inequality is strongly correlated with faster and more durable growth, according to research by Charalambos Tsangarides and colleagues, presented at the Royal Economic Society's 2015 annual...

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UK university graduates are more than twice as likely to move region compared with non-graduates.

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This video from the FT takes us to Rwanda to learn more about the fledgling textile manufacturing sector which is being partly backed by Chinese investment.

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