Ed Miliband's proposal to tax non-doms more harshly may be good, populist politics. But does it make economic sense?

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13th April 2015

A tale of two Koreas

One of the most common conversations I have with non-economists was amusingly summed up by 
Conversable Economist Tim Taylor recently. He says "on a semi-regular basis, I find myself trying to...

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The global price of iron ore has been in free fall recently and the Australian economy is suffering as a consequence.

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The Australian government has hardened their policies towards parents who do not get their children vaccinated.

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This Financial Times video looks at the emergence of a new undergraduate degree in economics being taught at UCL and elsewhere in which economics students are taught the subject as if it had...

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There has been yet more evidence of the relentless rise of discount retailer Aldi.

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This article from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is excellent background reading on the importance of infrastructure investment to support economic growth and development

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10th April 2015

LinkedIn buy Lynda

The professional social networking site LinkedIn has bought online e-learning company Lynda in a huge deal with in excess of £1bn.

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2015 has already been a vintage year for mega takeover and merger deals. This one is significantly smaller, but a good example of horizontal integration in a market.

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The financial crisis did succeed in creating at least one dynamic new industry. Since the late 2000s, there has been a massive upsurge in op-ed pieces, books and even artistic performances offering...

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Royal Dutch Shell is to buy BG Group in $69.7 billion takeover - the first mega merger in the oil and gas industry for over a decade.

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An agreed merger between FedEx and TNT Express announced in April 2015 is a good example of horizontal integration in the European Union parcel deliveries market.

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Ed Conway of Sky News looks at the tools available for the Bank of England should it want to control house prices as part of their overall monetary policy.

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The Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney gives a speech on the importance of low positive inflation for the competitiveness of the UK economy. Ignore the first ten minutes of this video -...

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I heartily recommend this article from Duncan Weldon, BBC Newsnight's Economics correspondent on the continuing debate over whether advanced countries risk becoming gripped in a period of secular...

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This article from Stephen Machin of the LSE looks at the decline in real wages in the UK during the last five to six years.

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Infrastructure spending is absolutely pivotal to the current intense debate about the size and pattern of state spending in the UK. The Coalition Government does have a National Infrastructure Plan...

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The Coalition's flagship pension reform has now come in to force, enabling hundreds of thousands of people of a pensionable age to start to take out a larger proportion or all of their accrued...

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6th April 2015

ASEAN's next decade

This article on growth and development prospects for ASEAN countries published in the Bangkok Post offers an excellent overview of many of the development challenges facing countries in the region

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This article from Bloomberg looks at the growing use of "natural hedging" by businesses who are exposed to big swings in exchange rates.

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