An exciting email pinged into my inbox at the end of last week. It was a link to the contents of the latest issue of the American Economic Association's journal 'Economic Policy'. For most people...

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Our annual Economics Teacher National Conference takes place at the Wellcome Foundation Conference Centre, Euston, London on Monday 22nd June. The superbly appointed venue is just a few minutes...

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The earthquake that has hit Nepal is a prime example of the human and economic cost of natural disasters for a vulnerable country. This blog will bring together some news resources on the issue.

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The LSE has produced this detailed analysis of some of the key economic issues in the 2015 General Election. Might be worth downloading for extension and enrichment reading for ambitious students.

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I am keen on dogs. Recently, I have seen an advert for a special canine toothbrush designed to get rid of the pet's bad breath, surely a difficult challenge given what dogs get up to. Vans...

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Most students and teachers keep coming back to this issue. Is it best to see industries dominated by a handful of large firms? These oligopolistic market structures exhibit high concentration...

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The temptation to believe in the concept of a free lunch is one which has proved irresistible to numerous governments through the ages.

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Here I am putting the final touches to the design and editing of our resources for the brand new 'New to A level Economics: Financial Markets' teacher CPD event and a very interesting story pops up...

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The development of new trade routes between China and many other emerging countries is one of the defining characteristics of the world economy at present.

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What would some very sensible economists vote for? This timely question is asked by Tim Harford in his weekly column for the Financial Times. The consensus is that borrowing to invest, build houses...

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One of my students asked a pertinent question as part of revision a couple of days ago. Will deflation cause an appreciation of the local currency because real interest rates will be high and "hot...

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The Marshall Society, the University of Cambridge's economics society has announced details of their 2015 essay competition which is open to all students studying for A Levels, the IB, or any...

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One of the BRICs countries, the outlook for growth and development in Brazil has worsened in recent times. According to some economists, the Brazilian economy is now in a state of stagflation, due...

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The Chinese economy is now entering a period of slower economic growth. Chinese authorities are targeting real GDP to grow by 7% per year, this is well down on the average of almost 10% pa achieved...

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Three recent articles have been useful this week in considering fixed and floating exchange rates.

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You may have seen the AS version of this activity blogged yesterday. If not, don't worry! The full version (with AS and A2 diagrams) is here.

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Here's a short but fun little revision test for your students as they revise for their upcoming AS Economics Exams.

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Geoff Riley's recent post on the impact of falling iron ore prices on the Australian economy detailed some of the macroeconomic effects (falling GDP and exchange rate, rising unemployment) and...

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in this revealing and interesting assessment of structural changes in the UK labour market, Paul Mason from Channel 4 news finds the looming issue of mass automation hangs over all the promises to...

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Non-price competition is a significant feature of oligopolistic markets and nowhere is that better exemplified than the battle for marketing rights in the USA's leading sports industries.

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