Koen Jochmans of Sciences Po speaks to Mark Thoma about his research and winning the Sargan Prize for outstanding research in the Econometric Journal. This interview was conducted at the Royal...

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Efficiency matters! It can make the economy better off. Understanding efficiency in manufacturing and retail markets can help guide policy, according to prize-winning research by Daniel Muller and...

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Students beware: if you rely too much on your classmates, you all suffer. That is the central message of a new five-minute film about prizewinning research, which looks at the behaviour of...

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According to this report from the Telegraph, British Telecom will be forced by the industry regulator OFCOM to open up their high speed network with the aim of making the market for super fast...

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This is one of those take-note economics news stories. The Chinese government is set to confirm plans for a multi-billion dollar infrastructure investment plan with Brazil as part of a long term...

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Translating gains in real GDP into tangible and sustainable improvements in development outcomes is one of the major challenges facing all developing countries. In recent years there has been...

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Economics coverage of Africa can be a bit bleak, although perhaps they shouldn't be, with incomes rising rapidly in parts of Africa. There tends to be lots of focus on problems, such as primary...

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Most development economists stress the crucial role typically played by industrialisation as a trigger to economic growth and development. Export led growth, built on rising manufacturing has...

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The new Business Secretary Sajid Javid has talked openly about how he intends to push through new legislation on strike action in the UK. The plan will be to insist that a higher proportion of the...

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Following Wednesday's lower unemployment figures, and the Bank of England's lowering of growth expectations for 2015, Mark Carney was interviewed on the Today programme this morning, and gave a...

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The rise of 'libertarian paternalism' in the public domain has been one of the characteristics of recent thinking about how to resolve market failures. It has been applied to all sorts of...

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The election is done and dusted, but many interesting questions remain. Was there a swing to the Conservatives at the very last minute, or was it indeed possible to foresee the victory in advance?...

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The Chinese economy is in a transition phase to a period of slower and (hopefully) more balanced growth. This matters for China, her trade and investment partners and pretty much the whole of the...

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Whistl, the postal services company targeting the Royal Mail in delivering letters in city centre locations has announced that, due to the pulling of private equity funding, they are suspending...

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There's some evidence that inequality may be rising, and in most places the recession that followed the financial crisis had dire effects on wages. According to the Economist, despite five years of...

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Australia is very exposed to the risks associated with an export sector dominated by exports of commodity items. Economists know the price of commodities tend to be highly volatile. Rising...

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As the WWF releases a report on the economic value of the world's oceans, BBC News looks at their findings, and the value of auditing nature

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Takehiko Nakao is president of the Asian Development Bank and in this blog he outlines his chosen eight factors behind rapid economic growth and development in the Asian continent. Asia is making...

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The demographic dividend that has supported rapid Chinese economic growth is coming to an end.

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This FT video from the heart of rural India is revealing in many different ways. More parents are taking their students out of state schools and sending them to the mushrooming private system, but...

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