A revealing short film on the inefficient farming system that is hindering Chinese growth and development. According to the Economist, as middle-class appetites for food grow, China is past the...

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A new set of revision webinars for A2 Economics students have been announced - here are the details - click on the links for free registration for the event.

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This photo stream from a journalist at Reuters illustrates in a striking way the damage that a persistent depression can have on the physical capital of a modern economy. Economists have a term for...

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This is important news for growth and development in the African continent. One of the reasons for the very low rate of intra-regional trade in Sub Saharan Africa inn particular is the over-lapping...

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This is a video of a talk given in May 2015 by Professor Joseph Stiglitz.

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Tourism is becoming an increasingly big contributor to the trade deficit in goods and services according to new data from the Office for National Statistics. UK residents made 11.5 million visits...

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The World Bank has become increasingly interested in behavioural economics as part of their evolving policy agenda for development strategies. Varun Gauri is senior economist at the World Bank and...

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A new research report from the OECD has found a signifiant rise in the proportion of people in non-standard jobs, namely temporary and part-time work that offers less in pay, training and job...

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Can the Labour Party disappear? The Party has been a prominent feature of British politics for a century. But could it now just vanish quickly? There is a clear historical precedent. In 1906, the...

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Here is another great enrichment opportunity for Y12 Economists heading into Y13, especially those looking to take the subject to university or considering a career in finance. I

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This video from the Asian Development Bank looks at investment in climate-proof roads for Cambodia's Western Region. Consider the importance of this type of investment in sustaining development for...

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Diaspora bonds are issued by a national government and sold to people born in that country who now live and work overseas. The largest issuer of diaspora bonds is Israel which has been doing so...

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The countries and regions most prone to shocks brought about by rising temperatures and extreme weather events need to build more resilience in order for sustainable development to be achieved....

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For the first time since 1960, the annual rate of inflation as measured by the year-on-year change in the consumer price index has turned negative.

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According to the Financial Times, the collapsing price of oil in world markets is causing many projects to be cancelled or delayed. Perhaps more than $100bn dollars worth of projects have already...

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After achieving growth rates of near-Chinese proportions in recent years, real GDP growth in the key bell-weather country of Turkey has slowed markedly and the country faces important decisions on...

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Inequality has been on the rise since the 1970s - Tony Atkinson and Sabine Alkire ask what can be done about it?

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In response to many requests, I have put together this table on a single side of A4 that provides a summary of the key economic data for the UK - most of which is from 2014. Hopefully this might be...

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The AS macro paper is on Tuesday 19th May. Here are some of my tweets offering some advice to students on helping to avoid pitfalls raised by the subject examiners in their recent reports

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To wha extent has the higher than expected level of net inward migration of labour into the UK economy been a factor keeping policy interest rates at their current level of 0.5%?

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