David Smith, the Economics correspondent of the Sunday Times is a frequent and much valued speaker at many of the Tutor2u events. At this fascinating time for the British, European and Global...

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David Cameron is feeling the heat. This is not just a consequence of the sudden dramatic rise in London temperatures. The need to extract something meaningful from our EU partners and the increased...

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One aspect of the Greek crisis which will affect many readers is the reduction in the amount of cash in a bank deposit which is protected. The Bank of England announced that the current guaranteed...

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Tom White posted a link to a BBC video about the Productivity Puzzle last week, and here is another.

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Several blogs have discussed the rival theories why UK productivity appears so much lower than in comparable economies. The BBC have posted up a video that could serve as a helpful introduction....

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While Tom White's blog yesterday, about Debt Relief, might well be taken to apply to the plight of Greece, here's another alternative. Thom Feeney, a 29-year old Yorkshireman who lives and works...

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Here's a quick and fun starter for your next session with your AS students (if they are still with you!). Lots of teachers will be scrabbling around at the moment to try and run something that is...

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We've had a fantastic year of Economics CPD events in 2014-2015. It was great to see so many faces at our third Wow Economics day around the country and equally pleasing to meet delegates at our...

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Many governments are hampered by huge fiscal deficits leading to the accumulation of large national debts. This can be a serious obstacle for growth and development, especially for several of the...

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Some notes from an interview with Daniel Kahneman at the 2015 Rethinking Economics Conference

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A summer hat tip to Ben Christopher from Dubai College who flags up Full Fact as a great source of economic data across many topics. Here is the link to use: https://fullfact.org/economy/

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Cesar Higaldo lauds three women scholars who are not just remarkable in their academic accomplishments, but also, represent three great examples of people that fought incumbent paradigms after...

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This is an 18 minute interview from the Institute for New Economic Thinking with the leading US economist and Nobel winner Professor Joe Stiglitz.

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What exactly is economics? Science or art? An explanation of our society based on observable, demonstrable law or is it an attempt to systematise the unknowable - the mysteries of the human mind?

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The Guardian reports that 18% of Tesco shareholders failed to back the executive pay agreements put before the annual general meeting of Britain's biggest food retailer. Tesco has been under huge...

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This is a really excellent article from Linda Yueh on the importance of services to the British economy. It features the work of Professor Jonathan Haskell from UCL who has done some important work...

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The delicate balance between economic growth and conservation is explored in this short new video from the BBC. Protecting property rights and creating the right incentives are part of the battle...

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New figures find a rise in child poverty. Hundreds of thousands more children are now living in poverty in the UK. A report's found there are nearly four million youngsters struggling to make ends...

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This is an eight minute interview with Bill Gates, the Founder of Microsoft who has developed a new role in driving innovation in poorer countries since he dropped the CEO role in 2000.

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Here is a podcast of a discussion between two eminent professors of economic development - Paul Collier and Dani Rodrik.

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