In the increasingly contestable market for online streaming of movies, tv series and other forms of entertainment, the drive to grow your installed user base is right up at the top of the objective...

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This article from the BBC news considers a range of macroeconomic indicators for the beleaguered Greek economy. "It is now generally agreed that Greece has experienced an economic crisis on the...

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The macroeconomic impact of a boom in natural resource extraction for developing countries has been thoroughly researched in recent years giving rise to an ongoing debate about whether natural...

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I really enjoyed reading an article on Amazon from Rory Cellan-Jones, the Technology Correspondent at the BBC. In a telling quote he says "Throughout its history, Amazon has seen its revenues climb...

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George Osborne’s budget has been met with predictable outrage from the poverty lobby. The cuts to the welfare budget will allegedly create shocking levels of deprivation. Young people in...

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America’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) thinks like an economist. By that, I mean that the agency has to weigh costs against benefits. Here’s an interesting case, in which the US Supreme...

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Tuesday 24th November is the date fixed for the 2015 Annual Public Lecture which will be given by Professor Rachel Griffith at the Royal Institution in London.

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The CBI has once again warned the Government that the UK is facing a 'skills emergency'. Their suggestion, and the opinion of many of its members, is that the education system in the UK is not...

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The British Medical Association - an insider pressure group - has published a new report lobbying for a new 20% tax on high-sugar foods and drinks. It estimates poor diets are causing around 70,000...

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Building capabilities across networks of industries is key to raising productivity and competitiveness in developing countries. This BBC news video

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A summer hat tip to behavioural economist Paul Craven for highlighting the many behavioural biases addressed in this brilliant advert for Coke.

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The marriage between Microsoft and Nokia will go down as a classic example for students to consider when analysing and evaluating the risks associated with corporate integration.

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This short video from the World Bank looks at Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam which is developing a rapid bus transit system using green technology, which runs through the city's important economic...

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Financial economics is given a greater weighting in the new economics specifications and this new Bank of England video from their Quarterly Bulletin will help to explain how the different parts of...

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Tegh and I would like to invite applications from any passionate and enthusiastic economists moving into their final year of school to apply for a role on the editorial body of the student magazine...

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The July 2015 budget was championed as improving work incentives for poorer households. But there are many claiming that welfare reforms and benefit cuts will actually worsen poverty among hundreds...

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New research from the World Bank underlines the lack of social safety nets facing hundreds of millions of people in many of the world's poorest countries. The World Bank finds that only 1/3 of the...

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The strike on the London Underground perhaps inevitably caused a spike in market demand for taxis among them drivers who provide services via the fast-growing taxi app Uber. Uber employs a surge...

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One of the most eye-catching announcements in the July 2015 Budget came right at the end, namely a decision to rebrand the minimum wage into George Osborne's interpretation of a compulsory Living...

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A summary of some of the key measures announced by George Osborne in his July 2015 Budget

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