This Channel 4 news video provides a graphic picture of how toxic emissions can turn a once clear river into a sea of yellow.

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Here's a classroom activity on concentration ratios for those of you planning your lessons for your A2 business economics classes. The activity can be used as an investigation into the...

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This is a great way to introduce your students to, and engage them with some macro data.

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In this interview with the Asian Development Bank, Professor Jeffrey Sachs argues that post-2015 development agenda is a once in a generation opportunity to put mankind on the path to a sustainable...

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Google Inc is changing its name – to Alphabet Inc! The new company even has an amazing new domain for its corporate websiteActually, this move is a lot more complicated than that. It involves a...

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The key aim of George Osborne’s economic policy has been to eliminate the financial deficit of the public sector. The main way of trying to achieve has been to squeeze public spending. The...

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So, you're planning for your lessons for the start of the new term (because teachers do not take 6 weeks off during the summer, do they?) and your first topic is the Economic Problem and...

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You wouldn't normally expect to find cattle wandering the down the aisles of your local supermarket. But an Asda store in Stafford was the chosen location for cows to 'take action' against the...

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Alas, poor Cecil! Close personal friend of mine, sadly dead now. The catch phrases of the Scottish comedian Bob Doolally capture the outpourings of grief amongst the Twitterati at the death of the...

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I’m currently researching and writing up a selection of short case studies on workplace discrimination for our new CPD event on the Labour Market. I’m conscious that this is a topic that requires...

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If you ask a group of Economics students what career they are hoping to pursue many will talk about banking or trading. When you ask them why they are interested in such a job they will usually...

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The DfE has published the draft proposed subject content for the new GCSE Economics for first teaching from September 2017.The draft teaching content is now open to consultation and responses are...

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2015 marks the 25th anniversary of the first Human Development Report. This new website from the UNDP showcases examples of how human development has inspired development, advocacy and policies...

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To me to you , to me to you.... the Chuckle Brothers have nothing on these ants who show how cooperation and the optimum balance between conformism and non-conformism can help ants move food many...

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I heard Professor Colin Camerer speak at Nudgestock in Folkestone in June 2015. He is a leading expert in neuroscience and applications to behavioural economics. In this TED talk from 2013, When...

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In this classic TED talk from 2007, psychologist Barry Schwartz takes aim at a central tenet of western societies: freedom of choice. In Schwartz's estimation, choice has made us not freer but more...

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Joseph Schumpeter's idea of creative destruction is at work in the health care industry. This short interview looks at examples of how digital technologies might be transforming knowledge about...

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This video on Formula One pit stops is a perfect example of the division of labour and specialisation at work!

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This BBC article, Alarm over 'timber grab' from Cambodia's protected forests, highlights a worrying report by campaign group Forest Trends about the scale of forests being cleared for timber in the...

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