16th October 2015

Green Growth Indicators

This new dataset from the OECD is an indicator to use when teaching the consequences of economic growth and the policies that might be most effective in de-coupling the impact of growth on the...

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This FT clip looks at how elementary changes in demand in this instance have implications for all sorts of interconnected markets - in this case, the 6 year low in copper prices has implications...

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16th October 2015

Taking Europe's Pulse

This week's Economist digital edition has an insightful interactive graphic which allows you to "take Europe's pulse", and compare, at a glance, some key macroeconomic indicators including youth...

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Ed Huang considers this question in a superb A2 macroeconomics essay.

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Olivier Blanchard, the recently retired Head of Economics at the International Monetary Fund, has something of a track record with his predictions. In 2013, he warned George Osborne that he was...

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The second lesson resource this week focuses on the role that ownership, or at least shared ownership, of bicycles can play in causing rising economic growth and development in LDCs. There is...

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Earlier this week, Stuart and Claire travelled down the coastline of Tanzania by ferry. Transport and logistics are much easier when countries have a coastline - but what is the impact on countries...

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The Ford Motor Company has recently spent £1.7bn on upgrading its largest European plant in Valencia, Spain with the latest robotics and hi-tech engineering.

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15th October 2015

Costing the Earth

This super interactive graphic and quiz from the BBC Earth team provides a neat starter to the topic of externalities.

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This is an ongoing interesting pan-Asian problem which highlights the negative externalities associated with forest fires and the international nature of the problem.

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I'm trying to work out what type of merger this is - it's not horizontal - but is it vertical backwards integration? A move towards the source of supply. Either way a $67bn merger isn't a small deal.

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The Asian Development Bank provides a handy listing of factoids about the contribution that farming makes to many of the world's poorest countries and the potential that organic farming has in...

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It is being reported that the government is going to complete the final part of its privatisation of Royal Mail - selling to professional investors, who will, no doubt, be hoping to repeat the...

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This is pretty much the full version of the talk given at the RSA in London on the work of the behavioural insights team into how small nudges can change people's behaviour.

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Have I got news for you! The Scottish-born economist Angus Deaton has been awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Economics. His work over many years in improving our understanding of household...

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This is really useful contextual research from the economists at Deutsche Bank who have looked at the industries most likely to be the subject of anti-dumping claims in the world trading system.

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I like Gwyn Topham's articles - a broad overview of developments in rail transport - and this is no exception. The article looks at the raft of revamps of once-decrepit railways stations and the...

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This FT article highlights the upsurge in the demand for coffee in Kenya - there are lots of applications here: changing consumer tastes affecting demand, an awareness of the fact that the demand...

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A fairly bog standard subject - should tobacco taxes be higher? This article reporting on the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking and Health suggests that it should and there's the added bonus...

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Here's this week's topical economics news quiz in the format of our ever-popular resource called 'The Eliminator'.There are 6 questions based upon Economic news stories from this week for you to...

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