One of the Beyond the Bike resources this week encourages students to practise their quantitative skills and analyse the possible relationship between road quality and the level of development in...

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This is an interesting clip: Evan Davis interviewing Jamie Oliver about the possible introduction of a Sugar Tax. Jamie - who looks less boyish these days - addressed the Commons Health Select...

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This is a curation of resources on the economic difficulties facing the UK steel industry. Plant closures and job losses have dominated the headlines in recent weeks. Is there a sufficiently strong...

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Howard Davies, the widely known, current Chairman of RBS, looks here in this piece for the Guardian at how the job of central banks might have changed in the aftermath of the financial crisis....

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The solar industry is in a bit of turmoil at the moment, with three UK firms announcing that they were planning to close in the last week alone. However, whilst I have some sympathy for them given...

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This Lucy Marcus piece for Project Syndicate is blunt in its assessment of corporate mismanagement at VW: "A fish rots from the head". Quite so.

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They say that one of the major benefits of trade is increased choice. And it's true but we might not have to look as far afield for sweet potatoes in future.

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This Larry Elliott piece in The Guardian gives a remarkably measured view of the recession that we've just emerged from, and effectively concludes that if you laid all the economists in the world...

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A brilliant and a must read for students of business economics. I love the upside down theory of management - put customers first and management at the bottom.

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Anatole Kaletsky with a more optimistic view of the way forward for China - arguing that the government seems to have regained a grip of the economy.

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This is one of those articles that I would like all of my student economists to read! John Cassidy always writes beautifully and a search through his archive will also unearth some more gems.

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Risk averse, massively over-staffed, uber-sensitive to criticism of their flagship projects and with multi-million dollar expense accounts in stark contrast to their original mission - this article...

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Investment in infrastructure to support increasing intra-regional as well as global trade flows is crucial to sustaining development in emerging countries in sub Saharan Africa.

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Dynamic efficiency at work here in the motor industry. Castrol are developing a cartridge system for changing the oil - a slick example to add to your contextual knowledge! Just as long as they...

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Contextual data on the scale and depth of poverty in the UK is important when evaluating questions on how best to measure changes in the standard of living.

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This excellent piece from the BBC news channel looks at the efficiency gains being accumulated in Ford's new 'mega factory' in Valencia. It highlights the marginal gains that Ford have been able to...

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This infographic from the people at Statista would make for a terrific stimulus to classroom discussion. A taxi journey is a fairly homogenous service from city to city across the world, but the...

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By no means, game set and match but a victory for 'creative destruction' and innovators everywhere as Uber's app is declared lawful in the High Court. Expect legal challenges aplenty, but it would...

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Proof that the Competition and Markets Authority looks at all sorts of markets: in this case, it's the market for school uniform that has come under scrutiny and the regulators have written to...

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China is now exporting more than 100 million tonnes of steel per year at prices which are below the cost of production. This is according to a report on Sky Business news and it raises an important...

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