If you are studying the economics of ethical business models and the consequences of monopsony power in labour and product markets, the criticisms of Boohoo are deep-rooted and hugely important....

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The negative externalities of obesity are increasingly a global problem, and this Bloomberg clip looks at how its affecting the Indian economy, where 1 in 4 Indians are now overweight or obese.

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If you enjoy connections, wordle, & tradle, then you will probably like the latest OEC game: ConnectTrade. Can you connect four countries and the four products that make up some of their key...

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This Joseph Rowntree Foundation clip looks at how far Universal Credit stretches for low income families, noting that for many of them, it doesn't even cover the cost of essential items. And that...

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Lots of lovely economics in this BBC piece: demand and supply, to explain the recent collapse in the price of shipping; derived demand, in that the demand for shipping is derived from the demand...

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The City of Edinburgh has declared a housing emergency. There are record homelessness figures along with a severe shortage of social rented homes and spiralling private rental costs. Some also...

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Here's this week's economics news quiz.

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The government has redirected some funds from the cancelled HS2 into support for bus services including an extension of the £2 cap on bus fares to 2023. Have a go at this free teaching activity,...

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This FT clip celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative being launched by China, and whether or not its been successful or not.

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The EU Tax Observatory have suggested that billionaires should face a minimum tax rate to reduce inequality. Have a go at this free teaching activity, which includes a downloadable worksheet and...

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27th October 2023

Amazon's Profits Triple

If you are teaching economies of scale and scope (and diseconomies of scale) then Amazon provides a rich vein of information and market analysis.

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Ed Conway and the team at Sky have produced this brilliant piece of in-depth journalism that articulates the structural problems and myriad failures of the water and sewage system in the UK. It is...

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Here's this week's economics news quiz.

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According to the British Apples & Pears website, in 2023 an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but costs for suppliers have risen. Have a go at this free teaching activity, which includes a...

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Here is an example of a subsidy in action, although you might also use this article to reflect upon price elasticity of demand. Today the government are increasing the subsidy for the installation...

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The Real Living Wage - a voluntary commitment by firms - is rising to £12 per hour today (£!3.15 in London) , a rise of 10%.So far this covers 14,000 employers and 460,000 workers, so why do firms...

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Britain and South Korea extend low or zero tariffs on their bilateral trade of products with parts from the European Union avoiding high tariffs on British businesses under so-called rules of...

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It is likely, perhaps probable that Rachel Reeves will become the UK's first female Chancellor sometime in 2024. So her new book has been much anticipated not least because it covers some of the...

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This is a fascinating article, highlighting a potential reason why inflation is staying high: high levels of expenditure from baby boomers who've benefitted from economic circumstances.

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Amazon has been a pioneer in implementing automation. They have stated that the goal is not to replace employees but to improve efficiency. The arrival of Digit in fulfilment warehouses reported...

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