Brewdog is one of those case studies in small business growth that offers so many rich contextual examples for students - their distinctive approach to craft brewing, novel fund raising, move...

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As countries become richer, is there a turning point beyond which they successfully start to reduce their CO2 emissions per capita? The charted animation below takes a selection of countries and...

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This chart tracks changes in HDIO and GNI per capita (PPP) for a selection of countries that we are studying as part of our A2 development economics module.

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This data comes from the World Bank data explorer and looks at the differences in per capita GNI (PPP) and life expectancy for the countries of the world. The size of the bubbles reflects the total...

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Infant mortality is measured by the probability of dying between birth and exactly age 1, expressed per 1,000 live births. The data for countries matched against their HDI score for 2013 is shown...

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The United Nations now publishes data on the scale and depth of gender inequalities across countries. The Gender Inequality Index is a composite measure reflecting inequality in achievements...

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6th November 2015

HDI and the Palma Ratio

The Palma ratio is a measure of inequality. It is the ratio of the richest 10% of the population’s share of gross national income (GNI) divided by the poorest 40%’s share. It is based on the work...

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In February 2014, strikes by staff on London’s underground network enabled a sizeable fraction of commuters to find better routes, according to research by Ferdinand Rauch and colleagues. Many...

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How can we solve the debt crisis in Europe? Professor Sir Chris Pissarides (2010 Nobel Prize Winner) explains how the "solutions" to Greece's problems so far have really just been delaying the issue

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Why has obesity risen despite us eating less? Rachel Griffith & Pierre Dubois talk about her work, which showed how the amount of exercise we get from modern life has played a massive role

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Eric Maskin (2007 Nobel Laureate) and John Vickers (former OFT Chairman) discuss the importance Jean Tirole (2014 Nobel Laureate) has played in studying and understanding market regulation

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Does making unemployment benefits more generous keep more people out of work? Ioana Marinescu shares her fascinating discovery that by making the job market more relaxed, they actually help match...

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Arna Vardardottir studied the effect of Iceland's financial crisis on pregnant women and found that Iceland's youngest generation have suffered much more than anyone expected!

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To accompany Stuart's blog this week on many of the issues facing Zambia, we have put together a number of resources relating to exchange rates, both generally and in relation to Zambia and other...

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Some superb macro analysis here from the economics team at RBS. Inflationary pressures are now - more than ever - aligned with global (external factors) and with long-term pressures on cost and...

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If you haven't already read Jim's blog on the opening of the physical bookstore in the US then click the link below for an instant view.

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Privatisation is a relatively minor (and often uninspiring, for 16 year olds!) topic – whizz through it more quickly with this simple activity that helps students to build their notes at the same...

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Here is a teaching resources to help deliver workplace discrimination for A Level Economics. This is just one of the many labour markets resources we have developed for the new Teaching Labour...

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This teaching & learning resource is designed to support students exploring behavioural economics in their A Level & IB Economics classes. It is just one of the many resources provided to...

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The Prime Minister recently announced that the civil service will now introduce name-blind recruitment. When people apply for public sector jobs, their name will not appear on the documents sent...

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